So, no, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. Far from it! In fact, I'm pretty excited to be able to make an announcement that I've been sitting on for awhile now... My husband and I are expecting our first baby next May! Just when I thought I was busy, our life is about to get even crazier, but we can't wait! I am out of the first trimester and just beginning the second. I just found out that we may even be able to find out what we'll be having at my 17-week appointment just three days before Christmas, I can't wait!
Hopefully now it's a bit more understandable why I just haven't been around that much. Unfortunately, I can't promise that is going to change. While I am not precisely declaring a formal blogging break, don't be surprised if you only hear from me very sporadically for awhile. I'm just not ready to give this up quite yet!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. I know we are thankful for so much right now, so it was a very special holiday for us! Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!