**Revised & updated February 19, 2013**


I no longer link to other reviews of the titles I review within my reviews.  I simply don't have the time and for that I apologize.  However, if you have reviewed a book that I've reviewed, you are welcome to leave a comment with the link to your review.  Please, no spam comments/links -- those will be deleted.  I am working on making the comments "dofollow" but so far Blogger is defeating me in my efforts despite the fact that I've deleted every bit of "nofollow" code in my template.  If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to send me an email!


Please Note: I am in the process of moving all blog links and blog buttons to a page that is accessible from the top navigation menu.

I've been working to add as many book blogs to my blog roll as I can, though I confess it is hard for me to keep up with each one, though I try my best.  If you don't see yours on the list, please feel free to email me (address below) and I am happy to add you and would respectfully request that you add me to your blog roll. If you have a blog button for your site, I would be more than happy to do a trade -- the code for mine is in the left sidebar.

Thanks for sharing the link love!

Email me: melissas.bookshelf[at]