Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Giveaway: Karma For Beginners

Book coverI thought I would offer up my copy of Karma for Beginners by Jessica Blank to another reader out there who might enjoy it. You can check out my review in the post below... Just because it wasn't my cup of tea doesn't mean it won't be someone else's, right?!

So here's how to enter:

+1 entry ~ Leave a comment telling me why you want to win this book.

+2 entries ~ Become a follower on Google Friend Connect.

+2 entries ~ Become a follower of @Melsbookshelf on Twitter

+3 entries each ~ Tweet about this contest, blog about this contest, stumble this post, Digg it, and/or bookmark it on delicious. Leave the various links, etc., letting me know you've done whatever it is you decided to do :-)

Since we're in the season of giving, I'd like to open this contest internationally, yay! Please be sure to leave an email in your comment so I have a way of contacting you. One comment with all the entries is preferred but not mandatory. This contest is open until Friday, November 21st at 8PM. Good luck to everyone!!


  1. +1 Karma For Beginners just sounds like a great read!
    +2 follower
    +2 follow on twitter @thebookcellarx
    +3 tweeted

    :) Erica

  2. +1 I like the cover and it does sound like a good read.
    +2 following your blog
    +2 following on twitter @theaprilnichole
    +3 tweeted about it http://twitter.com/theaprilnichole

  3. I forgot my e-mail. sorry, sorry ape2306@yahoo.com

  4. +2 - Follower of blog

    +1 Reason I want to read: Stories like this intrigue me - As a teacher, I like to see/read things from the (unfortunate) reality that some teenagers actually live. Helps me keep things in perspective when trying to deal with troublesome teens.

    Thanks for the give-away!
    h dot faesy at gmail dot com

  5. Great contest.

    +1 I would like to win this book because it sounds like quite an interesting read.

    +2 I am a follower of your blog.


  6. Coming from Asia where Karma or fate is quite well known and accepted I would like to read this and see someone else's take on the subject.

    Thank you for offering it to overseas readers. Much appreciated.


  7. Please counte me in. That book looks very interestimg, I´d love to read it, and it has a really nice cover.

    +1 Comment
    +2 follower
    +2 follow you on twitter (@Libelula89)
    +3 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Libelula89/statuses/5607905351


  8. +1 The title is definitely catchy!
    +2 follower
    +2 (old) follower on twitter

    Thank you for opening this internationally!

  9. Oooops, I forgot the email address

    kay at kaysbookshelf . com

  10. +1 I have heard a lot of great things about this book, and I would really like to read it.

    +2 follower

    +2 Follower on Twitter (@jmoose09)

    +3 Tweeted about it

    +3 added to my sidebar

  11. Its sounds interesting and bsides the cover is adorable... what do they say dont judge a book by its cover? LOL.

    Anyway Im a follower, heres my email addy,karizmaa_4u@yahoo.com

  12. +1 I'd love to win!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  13. I actually read your review and decided that this one is not for me. :)

    So dnt enter me!

  14. +1-I want to read this because it's different from what I usually pick up, and I want to try something different.
    +2-Following on Twitter (emma015)
    +3-Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/5651432463

    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  15. I would love to win this book because I haven't read anything yet by Jessica Blank.

  16. I just became a follower via Google Friend Connect.

  17. This seems like an intriguing novel and something different than what's in my comfort zone, but I think I'm up for the challenge.

    +2 follow on Google Friend Connect
    +2 follow on Twitter: @Lilixtreme
    +3 sidebar: http://lilibethramos.blogspot.com


  18. Nice! That's an interesting book. I think I should read that. I'm a noob at Karma...hehe. Nice giveaway.

  19. I'd like to read this book because I checked out the plot on Amazon and it sounds like a fun read. Plus, the cover is very pretty.

    +2 now following your blog via Google Friend Connect
    +2 following you on Twitter (as @alessandra83)
    +3 tweeted about your contest here: http://twitter.com/alessandra83/status/5739392502
    +3 poested about your contest here: http://alessandrasplace.blogspot.com/2009/11/winning-wednesday-11-nov-2009.html


    Thank you for making this contest international! :D

  20. I'd like to win this book, because it sounds very interesting to me. Please enter me. Thanks!
    I am an email subscriber!


  21. Please count me in!

    +1 the book looks great :)

    +2 follow you on twitter (@BrendiizSotelo)

    +3 Link on sidebar: http://eternamente-en-tiniebla.blogspot.com/


    thanks! ;)

  22. This definitely sounds like a good book. Please enter me.

    +1 I'm a subscriber & follower



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