Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Blogoversary... To Me! (+ a CONTEST)

Yes, can you believe it? Melissa's Bookshelf is 1 year old today!

When I started this book review blog, I don't really think I had any idea of what to expect. That I have over 400 followers in a year (despite the fact that my posting has been way down in recent months) is truly incredible! I can't thank all of you enough for your comments and support over the year. I love the book blogging community!!

This blog has really helped me get back into regular reading, in general, though lately it seems my time for that has diminished somewhat. I've been introduced to so many new, wonderful authors thanks to recommendations from others and perusing all the other amazing book blogs out there! And here are some other facts and figures from my first year in the Book Blogging world...

# of posts: 347 (including this one)
# of books reviewed: 116
# of 5 star reviews: 30
# Author interviews: 4
# of new friends made: Too many to count!

I am looking forward to my next year of book-blogging! I want to broaden the scope of the kinds of books I read a little more, though that may take some time since I have quite a stack of unread books to work through, too! I'd also like to get back into posting even more regularly--if not daily, every other day at the very least. I want to bring you more author interviews and guest posts, and I'm excited to be doing that tomorrow, wait and see! And naturally you can count on continued giveaways and other fun stuff here at Melissa's Bookshelf!

In fact, I'd love to have a little contest right here to celebrate my blog's b-day! You've got through the month of February to enter to win a $25 gift card to the BOOK retailer of your choice, whether it's Amazon, B&N, Borders, or anyone else who issues gift cards online. (That's the only requirement: I must be able to either send an e-gift card via email or order the gift card online and have it shipped to you.) 

Here's how to enter (as always, one post with all entries is preferred, but multiple posts for entries is accepted):

+1 entry: Comment on this post and tell me which book review I've written in the last year was your favorite (and why... if you want to)
+2 entries each: Become a follower of my blog on Google friend connect, Twitter (@Melsbookshelf), Networked Blogs on Facebook, Book Blips and let me know you have. If you're already a follower/friend on any of these, just let me know in the comment!
+3 entries each: Stumble, Digg, Bookmark this post on delicious and let me know you did in the comment!

Please be sure to leave an email address in any comments you leave with entries so that I can contact you if you are the winner!

The contest is open internationally as long as I can send an e-gift card to an international winner... Good luck to all of you, and remember this giveaway ends at midnight on February 28th (Eastern Time)! Afterwards, I will let choose the winner and I'll be in touch to get the winner their gift card!

Thanks for celebrating my blogoversary with me!!!



  1. Happy 1 year bloggerversary!

    +1 I've just been a follower since November. One I remember is Murder on the Cliffs cause I hadn't heard of the book before and from your review I've added it to my wish list now.
    +2 follower of the blog
    +2 twitter follower @theaprilnichole

  2. Congrats & Happy Blogiversary, Melissa!

  3. Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary! That's awesome! :) My fave review would have to be Wicked Lovely +1

    I follow your blog and Twitter (@lovelymisslucy)! +4

    Total entries = 5

    delightfulreviews at gmail dot com

  4. Enjoy your blogoversary !

    I am sure the 500 followers mark will come up soon !

    I am an International Follower and can accept an GC via email (I use them quite often),



    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  5. Congrats on reaching the 1 year milestone! I'm so glad to hear you've gained a lot from your year of blogging - the experience is surely worth it! Here's to many more years =)

    Great giveaway!!
    +1 I think it's a tie between The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. Your reviews captured everything I love about those books and made me want to go re-read them again!
    +2 Following blog
    +2 Following on twitter @peacelovevegan


  6. Okay,Im new as of today I just joined and followed the link from Enchanted by Books, I joined the link to facebook, and created a link to my blog (Progress in the works)Oh Happy Blogoversary Melissa well being new I checked out the books you have read in 2009 and I must say I thought I was a reader Good going Melissa!!I have read all of Rachel Vincents My Soul To Take and My Soul To Save (hence my email name, meaning my soul screams for more good books),and I see you enjoyed Evernight by Claudia Greay, you really should read her second book Stargazer, maybe you have I didnt check the books for 2010, another good book is The Hollow by Jessica Verday Brings to mind when you hear the Title Sleepy Hollow, its a really great book, just thought Id throw that in anyway, Thanks for haveing me and letting me join Id lov to win the contest Im so new at all this so I hope I jhave my points right +1 Comment +4 as a Follower on Google friend and Joined Networked Blogs on my Facebook and I bookmarked you in my yahoo but I dont belive I get points for that anyway Im raising 4 grandkids and reading is my getaway I lov it, again thanks for having me and Happy Bolgoversary again Total +5 My email address is

  7. Whoops excuse all the typos, I didnt check..Got to excited about joining..

  8. Happy blogiversary Melissa. Here is to many more.

    I think my favourite review on your blog, is The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker. I went out and bought this one.
    Can I be entered for the giveaway please.

  9. Happy blogoverasry, Melissa! I cannot believe that you haven't been blogging for more than a year(that sounded kind of negative but I didn't mean it that way), you seem so experienced and write such good reviews!

    I would love to enter your great contest =)

    My favourite review would be the audiobook review of A Wizard of Earthsea. I thought is was so fun that a book you found through a quiz suited your taste so well. I borrowed the book from the library last week and hopefully I'll enjoy it just as much as you did. +1

    +2 I'm already a follower on Google
    +2 I'm already a follower on Twitter. I'm @EscapeInABook


  10. Happy Bloggerversary!

    +1 Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink, it was the review that made me try my first YA book (YA is not a genre I read much of).

    +2 Already a Google Follower

    +2 Follow of Twitter @knittingmomof3

    knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

  11. Happy blogoversary!

    +1 I loved your Catching Fire review because I thought it was spot on!
    +2 Already following on google reader


  12. Happy one year!! That's totally awesome. I hope your next year blogging is just as amazing, enjoyable, and successful! :D

  13. Happy one year blogoversary! :)

    +1 I love your review of Fire by Kristin Cashore. I've read Graceling but have not had the chance to read Fire yet, and your review of it with the ebook definitely piqued my interest.

    +2 I'm a follower of your blog

    +2 Follower on Twitter @MayShmey

    +2 Follower on NetworkedBlogs

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Happy Anniversary!

    I loved your review of The Lightening Thief. I've read some of that series but it was a few years ago and I can't remember where I left off! I enjoyed the new movie quite a bit, although I'm sure if I re-read the book, the movie wouldn't really stand up to it.

    I'm a follower +2

    angela.donner (at)

  15. Congrats on your anniversary. And thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

    My favorite review was Murder on the Cliffs, it's a book I'm dying to get my hands on now.

    +2 Follow through google friend connect

    +2 Follower on twitter as @wordsmithonia

  16. My favorite review was The Hunger Games.
    I'm a follower +2

  17. Only a year and look at you!

    My favorite review was Poison Study, since it was one of several reviews that made me start that series.

    I'm a follower here and on twitter (@melissa1lbr)


  18. Congratulations!


    Already a follower.

  19. Happy Blogiversary, Melissa! Well done.

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

    +2 Already a follower
    +2 Follow on twitter (@angiebookgirl)

    angiegirl (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. Happy Blog ANniversary!

    I'm new to your blog but after a look around I think I like your City of Bones review the best.

    I'm a new follower via google friend connect

    mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

  21. WOW! Congrats on one year. That's amazing. Time seems to fly doesn't it?

    +1 I love your review of Willow b/c that's an amazing book and I'm so happy you enjoyed it too.

    +2 follow the blog

    +2 follow on twitter: @shootingstarmag

    5 points in all there. :)
    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  22. Happy blogoversary!

    +1 Favourite review was Catchin Fire.
    +2 Blog follower
    +2 Twitter follower (@sparima)


  23. My favorite is probably Hunger Games.
    amandarwest at gmaildotcom

  24. Hi
    Im a follower +2
    +1 I liked your recent review on Tithe
    +2 facebook request

  25. Happy blogoversary!!!

    I loved your review of Captivate - so honest. :)

    +2 blog follower
    +2 twitter follower @bookgoil

    dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

  26. Happy Blogoversary!!

    +1 Shiver - I had a lot of the same initial thoughts and put off reading it for some of the same reasons. Glad to know I wasnt alone.
    +2 follower on Google friend connect
    +2 follower on twitter (@donnas1)
    +2 follower on Networked blogs

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  27. Congrats!!!!

    I liked your review of Stephanie Meyer's The Host... I bought the book afterwards!

    + I'm a google friend connect follower!

    + 2 Twitter follower (etirv)!


  28. CONGRATS!!!

    +1 entry: I liked your review of The Awakening, I had the same thoughts on it!
    +2 twitter follower: @kpic724
    +2 google follower: kpic724

    kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com

  29. +1: I just recently found your blog, and I've only read a couple of your reviews yet. But of all the books you've reviewed, I liked Poison Study the best. It is my new favourite series and i'm glad to see that you like it as well.

    +2: I am a follower of your blog on Google friend connect.

  30. Happy Blogoversary!

    +1-I think my favorite review was Graceling because I felt the same way.
    +2-Already a Google follower
    +2-Already a Twitter follower (@emma015)
    +2-New Facebook follower

    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  31. Happy Blogoversary!!

    +2 blog follower
    +2 Twitter follower (@senaslc)


  32. Happy blogoversary! I appreciate an honest review and really liked your review of A Reliable Wife.

    +2 follow with Google Friend Connect

    dlodden at frontiernet dot net

  33. Congrats to you on a wonderful first year of blogging, Melissa!

    (I'm not entering your generous giveaway; I'm on a book acquisition ban until I get thru some of my TBR!)

  34. A very happy blogoversary to you and many many more to come.

    I like the review of Murder on the cliffs. I havent read anything of this author but would like to do so.

    I just became a follower.


  35. Happy Blogoversary!

    +1 I really enjoyed the Shiver review. It was a book I enjoyed as well :)

    +2 GFC follower

    +2 follow on twitter @throuthehaze

    +2 follow on Networked Blogs-Raelena Pavey

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  36. Happy blogiversary!

    I much enjoyed your review of Almost Home by Pam Jenoff. I appreciated the honest assessment of the main character, and it gives me something to think about as I get ready to read the book myself.

    Diary of an Eccentric
    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

  37. Your review on The Host was my fave. It was a book that was unfamiliar enough to me that I wanted to know what your thoughts were, but one I had already heard about through others. Thanks for it! It definitely lead me in teh right direction!

    Maria Delgado

  38. I follow through networked blogs

    Maria Delgado

  39. I follow through Google Friend

    Maria Delgado

  40. i follow through networked blogs

    Maria Delgado

  41. i follow through google friend

    Maria Delgado

  42. I liked Hunger Games review. If I win I would pick B&N.


  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Happy Blogoversary!

    +1 - My favorite review was for "Prophecy of the Sisters". As with all your reviews, I think you are fair & concise in writing your reviews.

    +2 - I follow in GFC

    +2 - I just became a follower in FB Networked Blogs

    megalon22 at yahoo dot com

  45. happy blogoversary!

    +1 fave review: My Soul to Save because you touched upon a few points I found was appealing to me =)
    +2 new follower
    +2 twitter follower (@angeltyuan)


  46. Happy Blogoversary!!!! :)

    +1 My favorite book review you've written in the past year was Graceling
    +2 a follower of your blogg
    +2 follower on twitter @thebookcellarx

    :) Erica

  47. Congrats on the Blogoversary!! I hope to get that many followers on my travel/photo blog after a year. Strong work.

    If you'd like an author interview or guest post to go along with the DEMON'S BANE review, let me know... I'm always up for it. Just name the topic. :-)

    Cheers, -David Douglas (


This blog does not use CAPTCHA, please comment freely! However, I have had to disable the "Anonymous" commenting feature since the spammers are just out of control. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment -- I love to hear what you think! Feedback and discussion are always welcome. Happy reading :-)