Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Review: The Darkly Luminous Fight For Persephone Parker

Book cover
Title: The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker
Author: Leanna Renee Heiber
Genre: Fiction, Paranormal, Historical Fantasy
Pub Date: May 2010, Love Spell
Paperback, 321 pages
Book Source: Received my copy for review from the author. Many thanks!!!


With radiant, snow-white skin and hair, Percy Parker was a beacon for Fate. True love had found her, in the tempestuous form of Professor Alexi Rychman. But her mythic destiny was not complete. Accompanying the ghosts with which she alone could converse, new and terrifying omens loomed. A ware was coming, a desperate loy of a spectral host. Victorian London would be overrun.

Yet, Percy kept faith. Within the mighty bastion of Athens Academy, alongside The Guard whose magic shielded mortals from the agents of the Underworld, she counted herself among friends. Wreathed in hallowed fire, they would stand together, no matter what dreams--or nightmares--might come.

My Thoughts

First, let me again thank Ms. Heiber for sending me a copy of her book to read and review--I truly appreciate it! I have to say that there is something deliciously satisfying about Leanna Renee Heiber's books. As with the first book in this series--The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker, which I reviewed last September--the writing has a hauntingly musical quality to it. I find myself swept into Heiber's tale of Victorian London and completely lost in the story. The romance is every bit as satisfying now that Percy and Alexi are truly united and happily (for me) the more intimate details of their relationship are only insinuated, never blatantly forced into the story in what can often be too much detail.

This time around, I felt that the plot was much tighter, with little room for questioning how or why events unfolded. I did find myself wishing I had re-read the previous book, as is nearly always the case with me. Sadly, time does not permit me too many re-reads these days. I enjoyed discovering more about all of the members of The Guard this time, as well--a great deal is learned about all of them and their interpersonal relationships. Add to it all an exciting story full of ghosts and the Whisper World, and you have a book that can easily be devoured in a single sitting (time permitting, of course).

If you haven't read either of Heiber's Strangely Beautiful books, I highly recommend them to anyone who enjoys historical fiction/fantasy and the paranormal. She has really set these books apart from much of the paranormal fantasy that is out there, which I find to be refreshing and a huge point in Heiber's favor. Her writing is truly a delight to read and, in my opinion, has only gotten better with her second book. And while there is an opening left for more to come in a future work, there is a sense of closure, as well, and it is admittedly nice not to be left hanging for a change.

My Rating:
5 Stars

Other reviews of The Darkly Luminous Fight For Persephone Parker:

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  1. Wow..Really sounds like a great book =)

  2. I do still need to read the first one, which I got for Christmas. So many books, so little time!

  3. I also haven't read the first one, which is languishing on my shelf. Must. Read. Soon.

  4. Excellent review Melissa! I really enjoyed this one. I just love Leanna's writing style...I agree very haunting and lyrical indeed =)

  5. 2nd book i got for my kindle!!! can't read it until i get all my reviews caught up!

  6. what a great review! I would never have looked at these books for their covers, but seeing all the wonderful reviews I now really want to read them. Historical fiction and fantasy and paranormal? I'm in!

  7. I still have not read either one of the books and I'm absolutely craving to do so. Thanks for the review.


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