Monday, March 1, 2010

Blogoversary Contest Winner!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and entered my Blogoversary contest! It was nice to see faces both new and familiar and I truly appreciate all the well-wishes! It was also fun to see which of my reviews you have enjoyed the most over this last year. I am definitely looking forward to another wonderful year in book blogging!!!

But I know what you all are really interested in is who the big winner was. Congratulations are in order for...

Vivienne of Serendipity!

Viv, I have contacted you to get your e-gift card preferences... If I do not hear back within 48 hours I will let choose a new winner. Thank you again to everyone who participated. If I could give all of you $25 gift cards, I would! Your support means so much to me!


  1. Congrats to the lucky winner.

  2. Yay me!!! I did send you a message. Thank you so much Melissa. Would like either UK Depository or please. I don't mind American books sites, but not sure if they will send to England for me.


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