Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Book Tour: The Sapphire Flute

Book cover
Title: The Sapphire Flute
Author: Karen E. Hoover
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
Pub Date: March 2010, Valor Publishing Group
ARC, 320 pages
Book Source: Tristi Pinkston, Senior Editor of Valor Publishing Group -- many thanks for including me in the blog tour!!


It has been 3,000 years since a white mage has been seen upon Rasann.

In the midst of a volcanic eruption miles outside of her village, Ember discovers she can see magic and change the appearance of things at will. Against her mother's wishes, she leaves for the mage trials only to be kidnapped before arriving. In trying to escape, she discovers she has inherited her father's secret--a secret that places her in direct conflict with her father's greatest enemy.

At the same time, Kayla is given guardianship of the sapphire flute and told not to play it. The evil mage C'Tan has been searching for it for decades and the sound alone is enough to call her. For the flute to be truly safe, Kayla must find its birthplace in the mountains high above Javak. 

The girls' paths are set on a collision course... and C'Tan will do whatever it takes to keep them from fulfilling their destiny.

My Thoughts

Because I enjoy fantasy novels I was excited when I was contacted by Valor Publishing to be a part of the blog tour for The Sapphire Flute. Having just finished reading the book, I am even more thrilled to bring you my review, because I absolutely loved this first publication by Karen E. Hoover. (Today is the big release day, as a matter of fact!) Even more exciting (to me) is that this is the first of SEVEN books in the series. I truly think this book has the makings of a classic.

This is one of those books I can picture myself reading when I was much younger--I think it would be among my most-loved books of my pre-teen and teen years, along with A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle, The Oval Amulet by Lucy Cullyford Babbitt, and Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles. Perhaps it may be presumptuous of me to rate The Sapphire Flute so highly (although I imagine The Oval Amulet is not so well known by many), I do so because this story resonated with me the same way those did. I can see my self re-reading this book many times down the road, as I have the titles I mentioned above.

Why did I love this book so much? Firstly, I enjoyed the characters--they are colorful and presented in great detail. Oh, and another bonus? Female characters are center stage--on both sides of the story, good vs. evil. I also enjoyed Hoover's creativity and ability to depict yet another world in the fantasy realm, full of magic and fantastic creatures. Any time that a fantasy writer can make a story feel new, you have to figure you are reading a quality writer. Additionally, I just thought the book was really well-written... It's vividly descriptive without being wordy and paced so well that you just don't want to put the book down. Some of the dialogue may not quite be true to high fantasy, but as this is a YA novel, I don't feel that hurt the book. I loved moving back and forth between Ember and Kayla's stories, and while the end of The Sapphire Flute is certainly satisfying, I can't say I am looking forward to having to wait for the second book now--I'm ready to dive back into the world of Rasann!

I truly think that The Sapphire Flute is a perfect book to introduce a younger reader to the fantasy genre. I know I would have loved this when I was younger and I hope to be able to hand it down to any children I may have.

My rating: 5 stars

Other reviews of The Sapphire Flute:

If you have reviewed this book and would like to see a link to your site listed above, please leave a comment with the link to your review!

UPDATE (6.25.13) - Below is the current cover for this book -- isn't it gorgeous?


  1. Haven't seen this one about yet...will have to put on the list...thanks for recommendation!!!

    Stiletto Storytime

  2. I haven't seen this one either but I know my daughter would love it thanks for the recommendation,

  3. Great review, Melissa! This is the first time I've heard of The Sapphire Flute. It sounds really good and it's going on my Goodreads wishlist :)

  4. I have never heard of this book before, but I'll definitely check it out! Thanks for the great review :)

  5. Wow, Melissa, that was an amazing review! Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you liked the book as much as I liked writing it. :) Seriously, I am beyond thrilled. You totally rock!

  6. Stiletto ~ It just came out on Tuesday, and I've seen other reviews in the blogosphere popping up so hopefully you'll hear more buzz soon!

    Heidi ~ If your daughter is anything like I was at that age, I bet she'll enjoy this book!

    Ladybug & Maria ~ Thanks! Hope you get a chance to read it soon!

    Karen ~ Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I meant every word of my review and I am really looking forward to reading the next book in the series!!

  7. Thanks for the great review! This sounds like a fun book.

  8. Sound really interesting..I already add to my TBR list!


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