Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Review: Lies

Title: Lies
Author: Michael Grant
Genre: Fiction, Young Adult, Paranormal, Sci-Fi
Pub Date: June 2010, HarperTeen
Hardcover, 447 pages
Book Source: Purchased from B&N@GT


It's been seven months since all the adults disappeared. Gone. 
It happens in one night. A girl who died now walks among the living; Zil and the Human Crew set fire to Perdido Beach; and amid the flames and smoke, Sam sees the figure of the boy he fears the most: Drake. But Drake is dead. Sam and Caine defeated him along with the Darkness—or so they thought. 

As Perdido Beach burns, battles rage: Astrid against the Town Council; the Human Crew versus the mutants; and Sam against Drake, who is back from the dead and ready to finish where he and Sam left off. And all the while deadly rumors are raging like the fire itself, spread by the prophetess Orsay and her companion, Nerezza. They say that death is a way to escape the FAYZ. Conditions are worse than ever and kids are desperate to get out. But are they desperate enough to believe that death will set them free?

My Thoughts

With each book, Grant's story becomes more and more incredible. This series is definitely not for the faint of heart, as Grant does not mince words when describing the horrific events that are unfolding in the FAYZ. While I was frustrated by the seeming lack of progression in the second book, Hunger, I was morbidly captivated by the transpiring horrors and nonstop action in Lies.

What I like the most about this series is that I think the kids' actions, emotions, and reactions are absolutely believable given the completely unbelievable world they have found themselves in. I found myself able to understand everyone's point of view and was anxious to see how Grant would resolve some of the tumultuous turns that relationships took. Again, we were really only teased with the importance of Little Pete in this novel, but it was quite the teaser to say the least. Two new characters were added to the mix in Nerezza and Orsay, and their importance would have benefited from more development of their stories and characters, in my opinion.

Overall, I really do not have many complaints about this book, except that I was hoping that everything would be wrapped up and it is obvious that there must be another book coming down the road to answer more questions. All I can do is anxiously wait for more...

My Rating: 4 stars

If you have reviewed this book and would like to see a link to your site above, please leave a comment with the link to your review!


  1. Brilliant review! I just read Gone, and I absolutely loved it...I can't wait to start the second book :)

  2. I sort of skimmed your review because the kids and I haven't read this one yet - we wanted a bit of a break after the darkness of Hunger. I do remember reading somewhere that it is a planned six-book series, so we'll have to wait a while for an ending!

  3. I thought there was little developpement in Hunger, too, but like you I was hooked on this one! Glad to see you enjoyed it, too. :)

  4. I haven't read much sci-fi, and I think I'm really missing out! Thanks for the review. Sounds like a really good series!

    Just a quick FYI: featured you on my blog, here!

    Happy Weekend!


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