Normally when I hit a period of burnout, everything goes up in flames... or down the toilet... or something to that effect... Not really sure which expression I'm looking for here. :-)
But my point is, I usually just find myself in a total reading and reviewing (and consequently, blogging) shutdown. Of course, the ol' blog is definitely suffering right now during my current period of non-reviewing... I can't even remember when Tuesdays are, apparently, since I missed Teaser Tuesdays for the second week in a row -- GAH! However, my book consumption is still going strong and not only that, it's actually on track to be a banner reading year (for me). *Knocks on wood* I've read 67 books towards my original goal of 100 for the entire year. And it's not even June, yet!
I suppose I should just be grateful I'm still excited about reading and devouring all of these books.
But the more I write about and think about my reviewing drought -- three weeks in a row blogging about it here in some way, shape, or form, and I'm sure you're sick of hearing me
Gosh darn it, I need to figure out how to make reviewing fun again! Problem is, I keep finding myself drifting back to my same old "formula" when I sit down to write a review. Unless I find the need to gush, my reviews are usually three paragraphs consisting of opening thoughts, what I liked and what needed improvement, and final thoughts (which often include more of what I liked since I try to close on a positive note). *Snore* It puts me to sleep just thinking about it...
So, I guess once again I've got to go back to the drawing board and brainstorm some ideas for a different review style altogether. I just wish I could have some kind of epiphany as to what that format should be... I tried a "what I liked vs. what I didn't like" format and a few other bulleted-style reviews but nothing stuck... That said, until I can figure something out, don't count on reading a review here any time soon. I've started two separate reviews (both would have been 4 or 5 stars) and both are sitting in draft, gathering virtual dust... I am about to just post some star ratings on Goodreads for my recent reads and call it a day (but I can't commit to that either, go figure). I will do my best to have at least a couple of regular posts every week, as I want to try to stay connected, but I have got to come up with something to shake up my reviews or that dreaded hiatus/"I quit" post may rear its ugly head...
So this leads me to ask in all seriousness...
What do YOU like to see in a review? Do you like long reviews? Short & sweet? Prose or bullet points? Technical points or touchy-feely, more emotionally-driven "how the book made me feel" reviews? More of a focus on the plot than what is found in the synopsis (without being too spoiler-y, of course)? All of the above? <== If that's your answer, I'm not sure I want to know -- just kidding!! :-D