Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Teaser Tuesdays: The Haunting Season

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! (If you're on Goodreads, I've included a button to add the book to your list just below the teaser!)

This week, as sort of a "prequel" to a book blitz, I'm sharing a teaser from The Haunting Season, a new adult horror book. Check back later this week for my official book blitz post, complete with my review, more about the book and the author, and a giveaway for an eBook copy!

Since the incident with the knives, Jess didn't like wandering the house alone at night. Not that having Allison with her would do much good. If anything, having a demon magnet for a roommate should have meant keeping away from her.
~ page 169 of The Haunting Season by Michelle Muto

The Haunting Season


  1. Wow!!! If that isn't a teaser I don't know what is=)

    Here's My Teaser

  2. Ha! Completely reasonable. Love it!

    Here's our teasers!

  3. Yes! I love scary stories!! Bring it on! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Intriguing teaser, Melissa! Thanks for visiting. :)

  5. great teaser..:) and looks like something i want to add to my TBR definitely..
    thanks for stopping by

  6. Great teaser! I have to check out this book. Thanks for sharing and dropping by our blog. Enjoy your read! :)

    Diana @ BookVenturers

  7. Okay, that teaser sounds really interesting, but I'm also a huge scaredy-cat, so not sure I'll be able to read this book!


  8. This one gives me the creeps! Thanks for visiting my blog!


  9. Wow! Awesome tease! You got my attention!
    trish @ tales from ...

  10. Sounds creepy! I hadn't heard of this one, but may have to give it a try (and not read it at night)

  11. Wow! That's a really good teaser. Thanks for sharing.

    ai love books

  12. Awesome! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  13. Ooh, that's a great teaser! Thanks for dropping by the blog. Looks like we're both reading something scary and creepy right now. :)

  14. Spooky! My kind of book :) Enjoy!

  15. The teaser is really intriguing and it made want to read it, but when I saw it was a new adult HORROR book ... Sorry I might be a chicken but horror isn't my style :)

  16. Hi Melissa, first time visitor! I like that teaser. It shows perspective from two points of view. I can think of a few places in my WIP I can do that.

  17. Cryptic teaser...makes me wonder how much we don't know about Allison and Jess...

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  18. Hrm...interesting! I've not heard of this book before. Interested to see what you think of it when you finish.

  19. Horror is the genre I still haven't tried, that's one great teaser and I think I will join your giveaway. :)

  20. Awesome teaser! I'd want to stay away from a demon magnet myself.

  21. What a great tease! It sounds super creepy, and makes me want to find out more. Thanks for stopping by!

    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

  22. Oooh, sounds creepy ~ and I share a name with the demon magnet (just spelled different). Not that that makes me feel any better. LOL!! Thanks for stopping by Ali's Books!!

  23. OH MY GOODNESS, I MUST READ THIS! Thank you so much for posting that teaser! I've got to find out how the story goes now.

    1. What a great teaser! I really love Michelle's writing.

  24. Oh God! I don't know why I haven't pick it up yet... It sounds so good! Like those kinds of books you can't put down. I don't care how long is my TBR right now I have to get a copy of this one!

    Thanks for stopping by my TT!
    Kar @ Pause Time

  25. Oooh.... this book sounds like my kind of book!! Great tease..

    Thanx for visiting my TT
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  26. scary! and thanks so much for stopping by today.

  27. I like that!!!!

  28. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog

  29. Ooh...is it creepy? I like reading "scary" books.

    Btw, thanks for stopping by Vonnie's Reading Corner!

  30. Oh, that's interesting and creepy... Nice!

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my Teaser Tuesday post earlier.

    Happy reading! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  31. I'm all for people doing things against their better judgement. ;) Thanks for stepping by and sharing! =)

  32. Sounds creepy! I don't like horror books that aren't very realistic so i'm looking forward to reading your review of this to see if it's something i should add to my list

  33. Now that sounds interesting. I want to know about the knives and the incident. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  34. I don't think any incident with knives is a good thing. Sounds like a really interesting story, hope you're enjoying it. Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

  35. Great teaser! Added it to my TBR pile.

  36. Wow, great teaser! Definitely leaves me wanting more. Adding this to my TBR pile now. :) Thanks for sharing!

  37. Great teaser! Thanks for visiting mine!

  38. A demon magnet room mate?
    Great teaser and thanks for stopping by our blog :)

  39. Great teaser! Definitely adding this to my TBR list. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Melody @ Adventures in Bookland

  40. Wow, that is defineitly a teaser! I want to know what happened with the knives!!!

  41. Thanks for stopping by! Sounds like an interesting read!

  42. Oh great Tease!! Thanks for stopping by SunnyReads!

  43. Michelle is one of the nicest authors. I heard this book is creeptastic!

  44. Hmmmm...what happened with the knives?? Sounds like my kind of book! I'll have to definitely check it out. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog!

    Wendy @ Wendy's Musings

  45. Great teaser! Very intriguing with the mention of the knives and the fact that her roomate is a "demon magnet."
    Very cool,
    Ninja Girl

  46. Always looking for another creepy book to add to the pile. Like I need another reason to obsess over every bump in the night! :) Thanks for stopping by my teaser

  47. That sounds really spooky! I have to admit, it got my attention right away! Adding it to my TBR list!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Denise @ Life With No Plot


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