Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday Thoughts: A Confession

Happy Thursday! So in a bit of a continuation of last Thursday's post, I have a confession to make... It's been six books since my last review (LOL).

Yes, I have read six books and not written a review for one here. I did write a review and post it on Goodreads for a New Adult book that was so explicit I'd never review it here, so I guess in some ways I don't count that one. But I've read five other books that I would normally post a review for here on the blog and I can't seem to find the inclination to get a single one written. I've got one that I started days ago and it's still sitting in draft. And most of the reviews would actually be pretty positive with at least one being a resounding five stars! If I don't hurry up and write them, I'll likely forget about anything I wanted to say, sigh... (I've never been a note-taker while reading -- I'm always amazed at those of you who keep extensive notes for your reviews. I tend to write my reviews off the emotions I feel after reading a book.)

These days it seems like so many book blogs have become more about posting memes than reviews. Oh, I don't mean EVERY book blog, and I still see quite a few reviews out there, but as I was going through Feedly the other day, it seemed like the overwhelming majority of posts were cover reveals, books people were waiting on, teasers, etc. And I'll admit, I generally only go read reviews of books I might already be interested in reading. I find it so difficult to keep up with all of the blogs out there. I have a small handful that I visit regularly and the rest I tend to visit haphazardly at best.

Does anyone else out there find that keeping up with blogs is, well, time-consuming? I want to be friendly and social and have others read my own blog, but frankly, with a full-time job (even if it is from home) and a little one running around, it's a challenge to devote much time to blog hopping and commenting (and sometimes the blog itself). One of my blogging buddies has been gravitating towards Goodreads for more of the social aspect of book reviewing, but so far I haven't felt that calling. (Hmmm, maybe I'm actually just anti-social? Haha...) When it comes to Goodreads, I've actually felt more of a calling to just post reviews there. But then where does that leave the blog?

As many times as I run into these reviewing/blogging burnouts, I am still unwilling to give up this blog. I think part of me likes the idea of having my own little piece of web property out here, while the other half just feels like I've already invested so much time and effort here, it would be a shame to give it all up.

Yes, I think we all write our blogs in part for ourselves -- certainly that is the case initially since most of us start out with no following. But as time goes on, I think most of us are posting in the hopes that we are attracting readers and growing our blogs. And while it's fun, at times it does feel like a job... And I guess I just haven't figured out what I need to do differently so it doesn't feel so much like a job sometimes, haha.

So really, I'm not sure where I'm going with this rambling post. I guess I just want to reassure those of you who do keep up with me that I'm doing my best not to disappear again, despite the slacking off of posting going on here... (I mean, this week I didn't even participate in Teaser Tuesdays, sheesh!) I'm hoping to re-energize myself and come up with some new ideas, whether it's types of posts or the way I write my reviews. In the meantime, I'll try to be good about participating in the memes I love and maybe just musing here on Thursdays while I work on getting my blogging mojo back.

If you made it through all of that, here's a virtual cookie and a thank you! :-) Hope everyone (well, those of you who are in the U.S.) enjoys the upcoming holiday weekend!


  1. I think we all go thorugh periods of ebb and flow regarding our blogs depending upon what else is going on in our ives at the time...some just slow up for a while and others actually take a break or give it up altogether. I've found my own blog which used to be about 1/3 reviews, 1/3 meme's and 1/3 guest posts/interviews (That's the ratio that I like and which I feel pulls the best variety of readers) has been super light on reviews lately. I just have less motivation...and less time to read.

    That said...if one doesn't have time to read and review, and it's a struggle to maintain the blog, then where does one find the time to comment on other blogs and be social. And then of course the less social you are, the less people visit back and the less motivated you are on your own's a vicious cycle.

    Anyway...I'm just rambling at this stage. I guess the point is that we all go through it. Just do whatever makes you happy!

    1. It's a vicious cycle indeed! I guess I have to figure out what is going to make me happiest. And maybe it's just posting on occasion when I can and not trying to go crazy and just not worrying about it. :-) But it's clear if you look at my post count, after my first year the novelty obviously wore off, haha. Of course, I also had a baby! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I can relate!

  2. Hope you keep on blogging. I'm with you on skipping memes and also on only reading about books I might want to read. I don't often get around to a lot of blogs to comment or anything either. Just have a few I regularly read and some more that I occasionally read. Feed readers have made me very lazy in commenting, too :)

    1. Thank you! I definitely want to keep on blogging, I just have to figure out what is realistic for me, I guess. And you're right, feed readers do seem to add to the "problem" of not commenting. I have tried to make a concerted effort to actually click through to a few blogs from Feedly, but it's hard! So much to do (period, not just with blogging) and so little time!

  3. I started my blog when I discovered reading challenges and then started reviewing. My first year was great, 487 posts. I was into everything. The second year? 62.

    Reading became a chore so I stopped. Now I do quick thoughts on almost everything just to keep track of what I've read.

    As for visiting? I've got several blogs in my sidebar and I read by post title. Sad to say, I don't always comment.

    Take a break, we'll be here when you get back.

    1. My post count is very similar -- I had 333 posts my first year and then 86 the next. Of course, then I had a baby and that sort of threw blogging off, haha.

      Reading has never become a chore for me, but reviewing sure has. I need to figure out an easier review process or something.

      I may not take a full break, but I think I'll definitely cut back for a bit. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!! :-)

  4. I totally get what you mean! I'm a new blogger and I chose to participate in several memes, but then it got to be too much. I decided to only do top ten Tuesdays and maybe one other one if I was in the mood! There are so many blogs out there where they are like cover tour and I get so sick of them because they never post reviews! And half of the blog tours are for books I've never heard of and would never read! Because of that I stopped my email subscription to them! His was a great post!!! Nice job!!

    1. I hear you about the blogs that are only cover reveals, blog tours, and no reviews. It's amazing how the memes have taken over the book blogging community. It seems like when I started book-blogging, reviews were much more prevalent.

      Sometimes I wish I could come up with a new and fresh idea for a post, but it seems like it's all being done already :-) I hope you are enjoying book blogging! I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts -- it's nice to know I'm not alone in some of my thoughts, haha :-)

  5. I only started my blog 3 weeks ago and I already feel swamped! I don't really go into these meme's. I do a to read tuesday where I post books I've added to my "to read list" that others may be interested in. That and the odd cover reveal. Only YA people seem to be big into these cover reveals.

    Im mainly in it for the reviews.

    1. I just went to check out your blog and am a new follower there and at Goodreads. You've done a great job settling right in! :-) I look forward to keeping up with you & your reviews!

  6. PS I added your button to my blog :)

    1. Thank you!!! I added yours, as well -- my blogroll page is at the top :-)

  7. Yes, to just about everything you said! I have 5 books sitting on my "to be reviewed" shelf right now (it was 6, but I just reviewed one--my first review that I've posted in I don't know how long. I haven't been posting much at all, actually, and am barely reading any blogs at the moment. I tend to mark the memes as read in my reader (unless it's one I participate in, like Saturday Snapshots), and skim the reviews unless I've read the book, and I'm still way behind. I just have to constantly remind myself that it's a hobby, and the blog police are not going to shut me down if I don't keep up!


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