Sunday, October 4, 2009

Winner: Signed Copy of Fire!!!

Ladies & Gentlemen, we have a winner of the SIGNED COPY of Fire by Kristin Cashore... Drumroll, please... Congrats to:

Krista of

I've sent you an email, as well, but please send me your mailing information within the next 48 hours so that I can pass it along to the Fire Tour folks. If I don't hear from Krista in 48 hours, I will choose a new winner...

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest, I hope you've enjoyed the awesome blog tour for Fire!!


  1. YAY! Thank you soooo much! I just sent you my mail stuff! I hope you get it!

    Thanks again,

  2. Congradulations Krist!!! Now I have to get through the first one to read this one with you.

  3. Congratulations! Fire has been on my to-read list!

  4. Congratulations, Krista...great win!

  5. Congrats Krista!! Great giveaway Melissa :)

    ~ Wendi

  6. WAH! I mean... congratulations.


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