Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Sunday Salon: Review: Heiress

Heiress by Susan May Warren
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

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Happy Sunday, fellow Saloners! I really must get back into the habit of writing a true Sunday Salon post, but this week I will test the waters with a simple book review...

I had a very difficult time deciding how to rate Heiress by Susan May Warren. I read it practically within one sitting and was desperate to know how it ended. But in reality, that desperation stemmed from just wanting to get it over with and be able to move on. I liked the story--sort of--but good lord, if not for the scattered references to God and the Bible, you almost wouldn't know Heiress is considered Christian fiction--it reads just like a soap opera and is filled with scandal!

Seriously, I was worn out by the time I finished this book. While certainly captivating, it was rather draining to read and the desire to finish it wasn't due to pure, unadulterated enjoyment on my part. Oh, there were aspects I liked and I did enjoy Esme's character... but I simply needed the drama to be over and really, I wasn't feeling terribly inspired by the end of it, like I do with most Christian/Inspirational Fiction. The fact that Warren had me hooked from the first page of the book is the only reason I feel I can rate this fairly at 3 stars. Certainly, her writing is good, as is her storytelling, but (at least, for me) that just couldn't make up for the way the story actually made me feel by the end of it... a little horrified, exhausted, and even rather down.

I expect that most readers who enjoy Christian fiction that is edgier and not so preachy will probably like this series, but I'm don't think I'm even going to be able to bring myself to read the second book, which I already happen to have because it was a great deal on Amazon for the Kindle. I hate to pass up reading a book I've bought -- it feels a bit like throwing away food that someone else could eat -- but at least I didn't spend a lot on it!

*Review originally posted at Goodreads. View all my reviews

Next week I'll try to write something more about my recent reading habits/trends, in general. Since I'm off to a pretty good start in 2013, having already finished 27 books (I'm pretty shocked by that number, myself, honestly), I ought to be able to come up with a little something! :-) Happy Reading!


  1. I can relate to that feeling...of wanting to get over a book and move beyond it. That happens when I pick a book that everyone else loves, but I find that I don't. I need to trust my own instincts better about what I'll enjoy.

    Too bad you didn't enjoy it more. I haven't read this author...but I think I'll pass. Especially if her alternative is the "preachy" kind of


  2. When I first started book-blogging I had a tendency to pick books that everyone loved even if I thought it might not be up my alley... More often than not I, too, have found that backfires, though every once in awhile I get lucky and find a new author I enjoy :-)

    I know there is a happy medium between preachy and soap operas when it comes to Christian fiction... Julie Lessman is a great example. This one was just too... over the top, I guess. Live and learn, and next time don't buy a second book before reading the first, regardless of the deal, haha!

  3. It's always frustrating when a book disappoints you, or even drains you as this one did. Often when that happens, I'll reread an old favorite, something I know and love, just to get the taste out of my mouth (so to speak.) I hope you have better luck with the next book you pick up!

    I hope you'll stop by my Sunday Post/Salon this week. Happy reading!

    1. Forgot to add -- I'm a new follower! It looks as if we share a number of bookish interests.

    2. Thank you for stopping by! I opted to select a totally different genre for my next book, so hopefully that will do the trick for me :-)

      I followed your blog as well -- I noticed we have also both read 27 books so far in 2013, haha :-D

      Looking forward to connecting more over books, yay!

  4. So sad that you didn't like this book, Especially since I absolutely loved it to pieces, And is the one that got me started reading Christian fiction. I think it was that drama that you disliked which I adored with this story, as I was scared I would be preached at. I can't wait to read book 3 which is coming in the mail in a few weeks!

    1. I know, I was sorry I didn't like it, too! I can totally see how it would draw someone into Christian fiction, though, if they were relatively new to the genre. I'm with you -- not a fan of being preached at and there are some oft-used themes that make me want to tear out my hair when I stumble across them.

      In the end, though, I just couldn't shake the way I felt so overwhelmed (and not in a good way) after finishing the book. But I'm glad you enjoyed it and have the next (last?) one to look forward to -- I know that feeling well, the anticipation!!!

      Thanks for dropping by!


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