Friday, December 11, 2009

GIVEAWAY: Nibble & Kuhn

Book coverWell, I thought it was time to host another book giveaway. You might recall my review of Nibble & Kuhn a few weeks ago, but if not, be sure to take a look! If it sounds like something you want to read, here's a chance to win my ARC!

To enter:

1 entry ~ Leave a comment telling me why you want to read this book.

2 entries each ~ Become a follower on Google Friend Connect (or let me know if you already are). Become a follower of @Melsbookshelf on Twitter!

3 entries each ~ Tweet about the contest, blog about it, stumble it, digg it, etc. and let me know in the comment by leaving links, etc.

Now, my preference is for all your entries to be in one comment, but I won't hold it against you if you leave multiple comments :-) And please leave your email address in the comment so I can easily reach you if you are the winner! The giveaway is open in the US only (sorry) until next Friday, December 18th, 8pm EST. Good luck to all who enter!


  1. I often choose reading material based on the title so I skipped your review of Nibble & Kuhn and, if I win, I will probably be pleasantly surprised.

    pboylecharley AT hotmail DOT com

  2. I don't really know the last time I read a "law" based story. I'm a bit intrigued, especially by your comment about the novel. :) I'd love to be entered for a chance to win. Thanks Melissa!

    I'm already a follower of your lovely blog, and also a friend on Twitter!

    I'm posting your giveaway in the sidebar on my blog at

    Thanks again!

  3. I was a legal secretary and I always like to read books about the law. I think I would like this one.

    I follow on Google Friend Connect.

    I follow on Twitter.

    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  4. Happy Holidays!!

    I've seen several reviews, Especially yours and it makes want to read the book more.

    +2 - I'm a follower (Google Connect)and also a subscriber

    +2 - following on Twitter - sharon54220

    Thanks for the chance.

  5. 1. i read your review of Nibble & Kuhn and it looks like something i'd pick up in the store.

    2. i'm a follower!

    2. i'm following you on twitter, too.

    thanks so much, love your blog!
    xo, Katie

  6. I do really want to read this but don't enter me. If you've seen my post today you can guess why ;)

  7. i thing this book really great to read....i hope your success mel

  8. Your review got me interested in the ending.

    heidivargas [at] live dot com

  9. I love law-based books eg Grisham... And the title sounds yummy.

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

  10. As a lawyer I like law based books-although your review was not glowing. although I appreciate the heads up.

  11. I follow on twitter.

    chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com

  12. cococroissants

    chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com

  13. Hello,i would be glad if you would join 100 US.On 100 US you may post your articles,and even display your adsense.Good luck!

  14. i read your review of Nibble & Kuhn and it looks like something i'd pick up in the store.

    Work from home India

  15. I'm a bit impressed,
    I'd love to be entered for a chance to win.

    Animation Dance Association


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