Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday Snapshot (05.12.12)

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at Alyce's blog, At Home With Books.

This week I thought I'd share some shots I got of last weekend's Super Moon...  (You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.)

The first I took earlier in the evening when the moon was a little lower and it was a little cloudy.  I liked the effect it created, along with the trees.  I left the flash off so the moon is glowing quite brightly.

With this next image, I took it at the peak time around 11:35pm.  I used a flash and then cropped the image so you can see as much of the detail as possible...

I wish I'd been able to see it when it first came up and would have looked even bigger!


  1. I was trying to get a shot like that the other night too but mine didn't come out nearly as clear. I've got to review my camera settings for next time.

    1. Thanks! My pics were definitely a lot of trial and error -- I need to learn to use the features that my DSLR camera is capable of, but I was pleased with these :-)

  2. That first shot is amazing, with the clouds and the brightly lit moon...beautiful! The moon didn't look impressive at all from my apartment (too much light, maybe) so I'm enjoying seeing other people's pictures!

    1. Thanks -- I liked that first one, too :-) Sorry you didn't get to see it very well, I remember my days in an apartment and I had the same problem for any celestial events -- had to go somewhere else to see it!

  3. I wish I had captured some of the moon shots....but thanks for sharing yours!

    I like both versions....


    1. Thank you! This event made me want to try to get full moon shots next time around even though it won't be as close... I want to practice with the camera!

  4. The Super Moon was gorgeous last weekend - your shots really capture its beauty!

    1. Thank you so much! When I was outside taking the pictures I wasn't sure how they'd turn out, but I have to say I was pleased with them when I finally saw them on the laptop :-)

  5. Very nice shots!! My digital camera isn't good for Moon shots, though I tried. (And Failed!!) It was a nice vision though when it was first coming up, and it was all red and fiery.
    My Saturday Snapshot.

    1. Thank you so much! I really wish I had gotten to see it when it was first coming up. Maybe next time around I can plan better :-) I bet it was gorgeous!

  6. Great pictures.
    We had too many clouds when the moon was full to get a good shot of it, but I took one of it when it was half full that I was quite pleased with. You can see it here:

    Moon shots are hard and you really can't get a superb one with a handheld camera on automatic. I'm looking forward to the next full moon, maybe I can catch that even if it won't be as big as this one was :-)

    1. Your pics were gorgeous! And you're absolutely right about the automatic settings. I definitely got my best pictures working with manual mode. But I really need to learn to use my camera better and take advantage of all its features.

  7. Those are both fantastic, but the first is definitely my favorite! It looks almost like an Asian wallpaper print or painting.

    1. Thank you! The first is my favorite, too -- I had a couple like that and it was hard to choose between them. The lighting through the clouds and trees was just so interesting :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! Love your pics, as well! :-)

  9. You got some wonderful shots! I tried...but couldn't get anything near as good no matter what setting I used.

    Here's my Snapshot.

    1. Thanks! I definitely got lucky with my pictures :-) Love your Snapshot post, as well :-)

  10. WOW , beautiful capture. We didn't see it at all at 11:35pm (stayed up) as it rained and was cloudy all day. I did catch a preview the night before.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm sorry the weather didn't cooperate for you on the night of the super moon, but at least you got to see it the night before :-)

  11. Awesome shots! Love the really bright one ... what a moonglow!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it is interesting the way the camera captured the moonglow, since that isn't what it looked like to the naked eye!

  12. I tried to do some supermoon shots too, but mine didn't work out either. I'm going to have to break down and read the instructions for my new camera, I really can't work it like I want to.

  13. Great shots! The first one looks like it could be used for the cover of a vampire book or something similar!


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