Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Snapshot

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at Alyce's blog At Home With Books.

This is my first time participating in this meme, but I have to confess I like it because it takes some of the pressure off of always having a book-related post.  Not to mention, I can share pictures of my little sweet pea from time to time.  This picture was taken by my dad while they were watching her for a few hours yesterday, which happens to have been her 11-month birthday.  Yes, I'm in total denial that in less than a month, she will be a year old!!


  1. What a little doll! She's just too, too cute and thanks for sharing your precious one with us. :-)

  2. Thank you! She's our little monkey :-) I'm hoping to get some fun pictures at her birthday party in a few weeks, I've got the cutest birthday hat for her to wear!

  3. Haha she's so sweet! What is it about couches that babies love so much? My boys were the same way - crawl climb crawl climb climb crawl crawl. So funny :)

  4. Love that look of accomplishment ... as if to say, "Look where I am! Did it by myself!" So cute!

  5. Trish ~ I don't know, but you're so right! Now that she is standing and walking with assistance, she is all about looking out the window behind our couch, it's so funny, but it keeps her entertained :-)

    Susan ~ Thank you :-) Yes, she has many moments when she gets that look of accomplishment, cracks me up every time!

  6. She is a sweet pea, she looks like she's planning some mischief!

  7. Aww, she looks adorable!

  8. Sweet pea she is! ;) love her expression!

  9. What a little chunky monkey! She is just precious.

  10. That's just adorable. They grow so fast at that age.

  11. She's adorable. Enjoy every day and welcome to Saturday snapshot.

  12. What a cutie. Next time, dress her so she coordinates with the couch though! That's a lot going on. Here's Mine

  13. Welcome to the snapshot - it IS fun. I used to call my son 'sweet pea' when he was a baby. It feels like yesterday but he is 19 now!!
    Enjoy today.

  14. Welcome! You picked a very cute picture to start with.

    Here are my British Snapshots

  15. She is so cute! I'm thrilled that you are participating!

    1. Thanks! This is a fun meme. I've got super moon pics prepared for next week already :-)

  16. Glad you're posting with us! What a cutie! She looks like she might be saying: "You've got to come look at what I see!"

    Here's my Snapshot

  17. She is absolutely adorable. They just grow up too fast.


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