Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saturday Snapshot (06.02.12)

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at Alyce's blog, At Home With Books.

Today's a big day at our house. It's my daughter's first birthday party (her official birthday is in two days on Monday).  We'll have a ton of family over in our somewhat tiny townhouse, so it is going to be a bit of an adventure. You can guess what next week's snapshot will be about, but today I thought I'd share a couple of pictures from when my daughter made her debut last year...

I can't believe our little Sweet Pea is almost a year old!  How the time does fly!


  1. Aww, how adorable! Have fun celebrating her birthday!

  2. Time does fly! Happy birthday to your sweetie! I'm sure the party will be loads of fun!

    1. Thank you, it definitely was -- totally worth all the work, haha :-)

  3. Such precious photos! She is beautiful!! You always hear people say time flies by but I never realized just how fast it goes until I watched my own children grow. Now I have grandbabies!

    Have a wonderful party and happy birthday to your sweet baby girl!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, it is amazing how much more quickly time flies when you have a little one. I can't believe she'll be one tomorrow!

  4. Time sure goes by quickly. It's hard to imagine how small the babies are when they are newborns.

    1. That's the truth! I had never held a newborn until holding my daughter -- and while she was small, she still clocked in at 9 lbs 2 oz so she was a little chunk!

  5. She is a sweetie. Unfortunately, the time just goes faster and faster as they grow up and we get older....

    Here's my Snapshot.

    1. I know... I try not to think about that too much, haha :-)

  6. She is really such a beautiful baby! And ... you were looking pretty spanky for your first mother-daughter snapshot! Hair AND make-up? Awesome!

    1. Thank you! I didn't let any pictures be taken until I had done my make-up -- after nearly 36 hours of labor (only to have to end in c-section) I was looking pretty rough! So I think that second picture might actually be from the day after she was born, since I'm pretty sure I didn't do my make up before then.

  7. Happy Birthday! I am sure you will have a wonderful celebration.

    1. Thank you! It was definitely a party to remember and we have all the pictures to look back on :-)

  8. Happy Birthday to your big little one. They do grow up quickly.

    1. Thank you! I can remember hearing that for years and years but it doesn't hit you how fast they grow until you have one of your own!

  9. Sweet photos! That mother & daughter photo is beautiful!

  10. Enjoy! I remember my daughters when they were that age - now the younger one has just left home, and the elder one i moving out in a couple of weeks, but they are just as beautiful and wonderful as they were then, and I am very proud of them both. My Saturday Snapshot is

    1. Thank you! I don't even want to think about Laura moving out yet, haha :-) I am sure you are very proud of your daughters. It's hard for me to imagine what Laura will be like at that point, but I'm sure it will be a fun journey to get there!

  11. I hope she had a wonderful birthday! Time flies when you are having fun.

    1. Thank you! She had an amazing birthday party! It was quite the celebration :-)

  12. The first year does go so quickly, and it only speed up after that. You look fabulous in the photo- can't believe you were wearing lippy- very yummy mummy of you.


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