Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teaser Tuesdays: Princess of the Midnight Ball

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

It's been awhile since I've participated -- here is my teaser this week!

"With all respect, Your Excellency," Galen said in a mild voice, "the only thing you can prove the princesses are guilty of is wearing our their shoes too often. None of the princes who have died in recent months met their fate on Westfalian soil. They perished in tragic yet normal accidents. That is, those who didn't die at the hand of another prince."

~ page 145 of Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George


  1. The cover makes this look beautiful and romantic. Hope you enjoy it. Here's Mine

  2. I like the cover too -- good teaser.

  3. Sounds like a lot of tragedy. Great teaser. Here's my Teaser

  4. Hmmm, why are these princesses dying? I'm intrigued. I'm a new follower. :)

    Reading Lark's Teasers

  5. Sounds intriguing, great cover!


  6. Oooh, great quote and seriously amazing cover.

  7. Hi I am a new follower and I have read Princess of the Midnight Ball. I've found that Jessica Day George generally writes good books.
    Check out my teaser at: www.rachelrmrblog.blogspot.com


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