Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday Snapshot (06.16.12)

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at Alyce's blog, At Home With Books.

Last week I told you about taking Laura to the pool for the first time.  After some initial trepidation and uncertainty (that water was a lot cooler than bathwater!), she decided she liked floating around in the pool -- especially with her daddy pulling her around making boat noises.

Here are some of the pictures we took to capture this "milestone event" (you can click on images to make them bigger).

Poor Laura was not sure about this pool thing at all... We let her get used to the water a bit.

But before we knew it, she was splashing around in her pool float, having a blast!  (See the splash?)

I love this picture of her prune-y baby feet :-)

Our happy girl in her bathing suit on our patio.

We can't wait for our next trip to the pool!


  1. Wonderful shots! I love seeing babies discovering new things in their world.

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Awww these are the cutest snaps, it's great that you're recording all her little milestone events!
    She's gorgeous.

  3. Our local pool was a bit cold this week too, but it is nice that summer is here. Glad you daughter enjoyed the water!

  4. Great shots. Love the one of her wrinkly feet.

  5. What fun, introducing each new thing. Enjoy.
    Here's Mine

  6. Here in TX our pool is pretty much bathwater now. It's only enjoyable at dusk now (for me) but the kids love it.
    Your little one is adorable!

    Come see my snapshot.. and my recommendation for a book blogger convention!

  7. It's lovely when kids start enjoying the water - great shots.

  8. she did great for her first pool day! My sons used to cry, they preferred the warm bath water :) Book Savvy Babe

  9. She looks so happy in that last shot!

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  10. I really like how she is eyeing the pool suspiciously at first but in the last shot, she is so proud and happy. Great memories.

  11. She's adorable. I love the wrinkled foot photo!

  12. She is lovely, and it is good that she is already so confident in the water. My Snapshot is at

  13. It's so much fun watching them discover new things!

  14. Haha there's nothing like babies and water on a summer day. Love those baby feet!

  15. Aww, how adorable, and what a fun event to capture!

  16. You can definitely tell that she's not so sure about things in that first one...but who wouldn't love a nice floaty with a canopy to cruise around the pool?

    Here's my Snapshot.

  17. Glad she warmed up to the pool and enjoyed herself.

  18. Toddlers get so much enjoyment out of the simple things, they remind us that we should too.

  19. Awwww, that is just so cute. I like the way skepticism quickly turned into fun!

  20. Every one of those photos is full of cuteness!

  21. I love to see children enjoying themselves in the water. It's got almost everything to do with the person who introduces them to it. Fortunately, I've been able to change the minds of some children who were frightened of water. It's always been one of my best friends, so I hate to see people be afraid of it.


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