Saturday, June 27, 2009

Review: Beyond This Moment

Beyond This Moment coverTitle: Beyond This Moment
Author: Tamera Alexander
Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction
Pub Date: April 2009, Bethany House Publishers
Trade Paperback, 394 pages


When Dr. Molly Whitcomb, Professor of Romance Languages, steps off the train in Colorado Territory, she makes a choice--one that goes against everything she stands for. Yet it's the only choice that offers her a chance to regain a fraction of all she's lost.

Sheriff James McPherson's instincts about people rarely miss the mark. He knows Professor Whitcomb is hiding something. He just doesn't know what. When James learns Molly's secret, his own reputation is undermined. But when Molly Whitcomb's reinvented life begins to unravel, it threatens his job, the stability of Timber Ridge, and what he always knew to be true about himself.

My Thoughts

I originally picked up this book solely for the cover, I just really, really liked it--an attractive woman with a gorgeous background, not to mention the handsome man behind her. After reading the synopsis I was intrigued and had to get it, since I've lately been finding many Christian Fiction books that I've enjoyed. Now I have to admit that the book sat around waiting to be read for awhile, until just a few days ago. I was fortunate enough to meet Julie Lessman at her book signing on Tuesday, and she, my mother and I had coffee together afterwards, which was such a treat. I cannot tell you how special that lady is! And before you wonder what in the world my point is, I am mentioning all this because Julie happened to mention that she enjoyed Tamera Alexander. So, knowing I had this book sitting on a bookshelf back at home, I made a mental note to start it as soon as I finished the book I was reading at the time.

I'm happy to say that I was not disappointed. Unfortunately, I actually left this book at the office on Friday and not only is it the weekend but that was actually my last day at that job!! I was so hooked on this book, though, that I went out and bought another copy today so that I could finish it. Alexander's writing has a quality similar to Julie Lessman's--the story just grabs you and doesn't let go. The story is woven very well with characters that are very realistic--many are likable and then there are those you'd love to strangle if given the chance. In all honesty, the plot itself was a bit predictable (I've been a bit spoiled by Julie's incredible twisting story lines), but what I appreciated most was the lack of preachiness, though there is no mistaking that this is a Christian fiction novel. Beyond This Moment only had a touch of the formulaic feel that I find too often ruins Christian fiction--thankfully, Alexander's beautiful writing lessens that impression.

This was my first read by Tamera Alexander but it certainly won't be my last. I'm happy to have found another author of Christian fiction that I can enjoy so much.

My rating: 4 stars

Other reviews of Beyond This Moment:

Window To My World

If you have reviewed this book and would like to see a link to your review here, please leave a comment below!


  1. MELISSA!!!!!

    I am SOOOO thrilled that you enjoyed Tamera's book. It was my favorite of all of her wonderful novels, although I hear The Inheritance is even better.

    Coffee with your mom and you was beyond delightful for me, my friend, and I hope and pray it will be only the first of many coffees in the future. Please tell your mom "hello" for me, okay?


  2. Hi Julie :-)

    I'll have to check out The Inheritance. I picked up From This Moment earlier in the week and look forward to reading that one.

    I'll be sure to say hi to my mom for you, as well. She may even see your comment since she reads my blog :-) It was so nice to meet you in person after all the emails!!

  3. I've seen this one before and thought it sounded great. I'm glad you liked it. Not good leaving the book at an office you aren't going back to though. Yikes.


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