Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Contest Winners!!!

I'm excited to announce the two winners of my 300 Followers Contest!! There were a total of 565 entries, can you believe it?!

First up, our winner of the book valued at $10 or less from Book Depository:

Valorie @ Morbid Romantic!!

And our GRAND PRIZE winner of a $25 online gift card for Amazon.com or BN.com is:

Jennifer @ Rundpinne!!!

Congrats to you both!!!! I've sent you emails, so I hope to hear from you soon! If I don't hear back from you within 48 hours, I will choose a new winner.


  1. Thanks for having the contest, Melissa! Congratulations to the winners!

  2. Great Blog Melissa! I love it! I'm writing an eBook on Natural Childbirth right now and would love for you to read it when it is done =)

  3. I am so excited to have won Melissa! Thank you!!!

  4. Congratulations to the winners!

  5. Enjoy the natural childbirth book..!!
    Congratulations on 565 entries holy cow. I think I would go insane.

  6. It was an awesome contest Melissa! Congrats to the lucky winners, have fun choosing!


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