Wednesday, July 25, 2012

GIVEAWAY: The entire UGLIES series in paperback!

That's right everyone. It has been WAY too long since I hosted a giveaway here at Melissa's Bookshelf, so I thought I would make a comeback with an entire series giveaway!!! That's right, I'm giving away my paperback copies (each has only been read once, so they're in great condition) of Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras by Scott Westerfeld. And guess what -- the giveaway is International, so anyone should feel free to enter!

This is my first-ever Rafflecopter giveaway, so God willing, everything will go off without a hitch. The giveaway will close at 12:01am EDT on August 1st and the winner will be notified via email within 48 hours. And since I'll be leaving for vacation on August 4th, I'll be getting those books out in the mail pretty quickly! Good luck to everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. because it's the entire series and looks interesting, but enter me only if it's international, thanks

  2. This would be perfect series for a friend.

  3. I have had the Uglies series on my list for ages and this is a great chance to get all 4 in the series. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. All of the book look very interesting. I would love to read them. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  5. I actually already own Uglies but haven't read it yet b/c I wanted to wait until I have the whole series. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  6. Having copies of these incredible books would be amazing!

  7. Because I really want to read this series. It sounds very good. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  8. Leaving a comment to enter, for these look interesting! All four too, very generous :)

  9. I would love these - I have only one but want to read the whole series again! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I'd love to win this giveaway because I loved the first two books but haven't been able to read the second two yet. So, if I won I'd be able to finish reading the series and have the whole set! :)

  11. First of all, thank you very much for hosting this great giveaway. What a fantastic series to make your debut giveaway! You rawk!

    I would love to win this series so I could read and review them on GR, Amazon, my blog, and YABC. *crosses fingers*

  12. My classroom library needs new copies! The previous ones are dogeared to pieces! Love them!

  13. I love to read a series straight through - and then read it again!

  14. I have yet to read this series, and have been meaning to get to it for months!

  15. Just re-read Uglies recently and remembered how much I love this series!

  16. I remember reading this series when I was younger and loving it. I think it's time I read them again.

    thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  17. I've been wating to read this series forever! Scott Westerfeld's twitter sent me here! Crossing fingers!

  18. This is such a great series! I'd love to give it to one of my students!

  19. This would be an amazing gift for a friend!

  20. I love these books. I'm always telling friends to read them, but because I don't Own them I can't lend them. Plus reread value is high -- love Scott westerfeld. I also came here from his twitter.

  21. Oh man, I already have a copy of these but I know my darling would love to read these too!

  22. I want to win these books because everyone thinks that Scott Westerfeld is a writing GENIUS and yet I've never read anything by him...

  23. I love this series! I'd never get tired of rereading it over and over. Even Bogus to Bubbly!

  24. I seriously adore this entire series, but I still don't own the entire set :]

  25. Because I don't have enought money to buy it right now, and I want to read it! :) thanks for the giveaway

  26. I love this series so much. I literally have never loved a set of books as much as these.

  27. Honestly, I'm not entering for me, I'm entering for a friend who has wanted these books forever. He lives in a country where they don't sell English books and besides, he's a kid so he doesn't have the money as his parents don't think fiction books are worth spending on :/ Anyway, I know he'd be really happy if he got this so if I win, I'm gonna give his address and well, it'd be a nice surprise =)

  28. My friend's has the translated version and she has been telling me how wonderful they are.

  29. Ohh these have been on my to buy list for ages! I hope you have a nice holiday :)

  30. What a awesome giveaway, thank you for the contest, been hearing such good reviews of the series.

  31. I would love to read this serie! Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. I want to win these books because I love the story and the covers and would really like to add them to my collection.

  33. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win the series because I really enjoyed them when I read them years ago from the library and would love to have copies of my own.

  34. Ooh thank you so much I love this series :D

  35. I read the first three books when it first came out and I fell in love with them. Unfortunately, they were borrowed from my library and they don't have the last book in the series so I've been dying to finish the series.

  36. Neato. This is one series I've read but never owned; my sister owned them and let me borrow them regularly.

  37. I've never read this series but have always wanted to! Thanks for the giveaway.

  38. I read the first two books but haven't had the money to buy the rest. I would love to finish the series. :) <3

  39. This contest could not come at a more perfect time! I read these ages ago and some of my students have been asking me about the series. I would love to have a classroom copy for them to read!

  40. It's been a while since I've been able to read these books, but actually, I have a friend who is interested in reading them and I'd love to be able to hook her up. Either way, though, this is a really awesome giveaway! They're great books by a fantastic author.

  41. I finished my first Scott Westerfeld books, the Leviathan series, earlier this month. I devoured them! I'd love to read some of his other books; he's an excellent writer.

  42. Because they're awesome, or at least that's what everyone says :) and it's an interesting dystopia, so thanks for the opportunity :)


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