Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday Snapshot: A coming storm...

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at Alyce's blog, At Home With Books.
About a week ago I looked out the window and noticed it looked like a storm was coming. Then I realized how GREEN the sky was in the distance, and there was almost a clear division as the green color continued to approach. Unfortunately, the sight I took in with my eyes was very difficult to capture on camera, but I tried...

It actually took awhile before the rain/thunder/lightning hit after I took this picture, and I started wondering if that was just an extreme amount of pollen in the air, haha. But eventually we did get a brief, violent thunderstorm...

Time to get ready for my mother-in-law's visit. I'll be back this afternoon/evening to visit your snapshot posts!

Happy Saturday!


  1. The sky does look very menacing.

  2. It is really hard to capture the sky in a photo or painting but you did a great job!

  3. Cool picture! I used to love watching thunderstorms roll in when we lived in the midwest. We get them only occasionally here, and they seem to sort of sneak up on us.

  4. That line is so hard to capture, I've tried several times over the years with not luck. Still a cool shot. I love thunderstorms... Here’s my Saturday snapshot post.
    ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte

  5. It's that time of year....storms on the horizon. My SS:

  6. It's fascinating how quickly the skies can change before a storm!

  7. Definitely a stormy sky! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    I love my friend's deck, too; wish I had one!

  8. That looks like a very bloated sky. Take cover!

  9. It's always so hard to capture sights like that. I've heard of green skies, but never seen one, I definitely see the green in your shot.

  10. I love thunderstorms, but then I haven't really experienced them in the extreme here in Ohio yet. I'm looking forward to seeing what they're like. (We have had a few since we have moved here, but not much right over the top of us.)

  11. suspenseful moments.a heavy looking dark blue sky.

  12. Stormy skies make some of the best photos. I love this, Melissa. Yes, it is frustrating when we see something that the camera just can't capture. You did a great job here though!

  13. I think that you've captured this pretty much perfectly. Dark skies are quite a challenge to photograph. They tend either to look too bland or too bright. You've struck the smiling clairvoyant here - or should that be the happy medium....
    Have a good week.

  14. That's an impressive photo of the sky! I love stormy days like that. We get a lot of those here in Fla!

  15. Dark skies - good photo even if I don't quite see the green.


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