Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Teaser Tuesdays: The Collector

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! (If you're on Goodreads, I've included a button to add the book to your list just below the teaser!)

I have had so little time to read in the last week, I was almost afraid I'd be sharing a teaser from the same book as last Tuesday. Luckily for you, I finished it up Sunday night! My current read is one I stumbled on via Teaser Tuesday posts a few weeks ago. I'm not sure it's my usual "thing" but so far I can't put it down...

Charlie is unusually quiet as I drive back to her house. For the first time since I met her, I hate the silence. I need her to talk, to say something. Anything.

Then I wonder if she needs the same from me.

~ page 59 of The Collector by Victoria Scott

The Collector (Dante Walker, #1)


  1. Oh I hate uncomfortable silences.

  2. Oh, dying to pick up this one. Although I hoped it would be in the mail right today, I got disappointed. So I checked my mails, and it's telling me I have to wait another 2 weeks. Can you freaking believe this?! I WANT DANTE! T.T My TT

  3. EXCELLENT! I featured Dante as well. =)

    Here's my teaser tuesday over at i*Heart*BigBooks

  4. Awkward moment. Somebody better say something!
    My Teaser is from THE FORTUNE QUILT.

  5. I have seen this book on many Blog :) Thanks for sharing this teaser... Nice Teaser :)
    Thanks for visiting TT @ Booklok Coffee

  6. Great teaser! I've been hearing great things about The Collector. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Awesome teaser - I've been hearing a lot about Dante! Is he living up to all the talk? ;) Thanks so much for sharing and for stopping by. Happy Reading :D

  8. I think maybe she should say something..lol

  9. Love the cover hardcore!!! Thank you for the teaser! I can't wait to get it in my hands!!

  10. My mum always says, 'a change is as good as a holiday' - enjoy!

  11. yeah...hate those awkward silences! Thanks for dropping by too :)

  12. I NEED to meet this Dante Walker soon! Great teaser! :)

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my TT earlier.

    Have a great week ahead and happy reading! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  13. I just got a review copy! So excited because I've never read Victoria Scott. Hope you enjoy it!

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat


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