Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Snapshot: Spring has Sprung!

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at Alyce's blog, At Home With Books.
Last Saturday I was finally able to get around to planting flowers around our patio and hanging baskets of flowers in all of our usual spots. Now I can't wait for another couple of months to pass so the flowers will have really filled in around the patio -- that's why I love impatiens, because they do a great job making their presence known, even if they have to be planted annually (though we usually do have them come back sporadically every year from the previous Spring's plantings). We also decided to splurge and ordered new wicker chair/ottoman set for the patio and it arrived just in time for me to include it in the pictures. Looking forward to getting lots of use out of it this summer -- yay for my improved warm-weather reading spot!

I ended up having to buy new pots for our planter this year. I loaded them with petunias, which I have had the most success actually keeping alive through the hot summer months here in Georgia, haha.

For hanging baskets, I chose a smaller variety of petunias...

I was happy to be able to get the hanging baskets in different color combinations. I would really love to have fuchsias in the baskets but we haven't had a lot of luck with those in the past. In the background below, you can see our clematis that continues to thrive... Shouldn't be too long before I have lots of blooms to take pictures of!

Sorry the next picture is a bit over-exposed, but as it rained all day yesterday, I had to wait until this morning to get any pictures and we get morning sun on our patio. This is our other line of impatiens along the house. By the time summer is in full swing, as long as they don't get eaten, we should have a very full row of flowers, just about completely covering up the mulch and probably close to a foot high.

Here's the new patio set! It was a little bigger than I realized it was going to be, so we had to arrange it a little differently than I had planned, but I love it! (Notice the jacked-up blinds in the window on the right? Someone was trying to peek outside while I took pictures...)

Here's our entire patio. The first summer after we got married, we expanded it down the back of the house with the paving stones. Our old sitting chairs have become chairs for our small table that came with four rather flimsy folding-style chairs. These actually seat us up at a better position for the rare times we eat out there and we still have the other chairs should we need the extra seating for any reason. It worked out well!

I'm thinking about trying to get some kind of fun extra hanging lights to use out there when we want to sit in the evenings this summer. We just have the one porch light nestled in the nook as you can see in the picture above, and it doesn't really reach the lounge area at the end. I'd also like to buy some wind chimes, but sometimes it gets SO windy where we're positioned up on our hill that I'm afraid they'll either blow away themselves or drive us crazy. We'll see...

Now I'm off to check out your pictures and enjoy the rest of the day. Happy Saturday!


  1. That is going to be a cozy little spot for reading, and pretty too once all those flowers start spreading out. We still have cold here in Chicago... no spring in sight and a dusting of snow last night. Crazy!

    1. It feels funny to be posting pictures of Spring but then visit other bloggers who are posting pictures of snow they are still getting! Hope it warms up for you in Chicago soon!

  2. Very cozy reading spot, mixed in with great flowers...I have always enjoyed decks, patios, or even little terraces. Private places. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thank you! I am trying to get better use out of ours this year. Since our daughter was born almost two years ago I feel like we stopped using the patio, but it's time to change that!

  3. Very cozy spot! The flowers are lovely!

  4. Your patio and flowers look so welcoming!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully once the flowers have spread I can get some better pics!

  5. Gorgeous! Nothing says spring more than pretty flowers, blooming in the ground or in baskets. :)

    1. Isn't that the truth! I always feel that way after planting our flowers every year!

  6. It looks lovely - just the place to sit and read in the sunshine. My Snapshot is at

    1. Thank you -- yes, I love to sit out and read, though usually once the spot gets a little shadier since I burn so easily, haha :-)

  7. I see you are getting ready for warm weather. I think I'll wait until mid-May until I plant my annuals. Lovely.

    1. It's funny how the timing is so different depending on where you live. Of course, our weather cooled back off some this weekend, but the days are still in the upper 60's. It will be blazing hot here soon enough, ugh!

  8. I'm not ready, or should I say the weather here is not yet warm enough to go out and plant, but I love what you done, enjoy.

  9. Looks lovely and I'm so very jealous of your warm weather!!!!!!!!!

    1. Lol, well, I will be wishing for the cooler temps again in no time, I'm sure, since it won't be long before it gets really hot here!

  10. Very inviting. It is a bit early here for flowers, except maybe pansys.

    1. Pansies do seem to do well in all kinds of weather, but yet I never seem to plant any, wonder why I always forget about them...

  11. These are beautiful flowers. Glad you're having summer already. Yes, for us, we wont' be planting annuals like these until end of June or even July. ;)

    1. Well, not quite summer but I'm sure those hot temps will be here soon enough... I'm hoping that by July the flowers will just about have completely filled in, we'll see!

  12. Your flowers are so pretty; I especially love the hanging baskets. The patio set looks comfy!

    1. Thank you! I really like those smaller petunias, too. I discovered them a couple of years ago. I was looking for a different color combination, but these are nice, too! The patio set IS comfy! I haven't gotten to sit in it much yet between rain and cooler temperatures, but hoping get back out there this week...

  13. The patio looks great, as do your flowers and planters. Flowers always seem so happy.
    Thanks for this lovely post.

    1. Thank you! Yes, flowers do seem happy, which is probably why I feel happy when I see them, haha :-)

  14. I love that everyone is sharing the peeks of spring that we're getting. You photos are beautiful. I love the cozy spots behind the house. My book and I could definitely make use of those!

    1. I am enjoying everyone's spring pictures, too! It's fun to see what different people do with their plantings, etc. Thanks so much for the kind words!

  15. A couple of things:
    I am so jealous that it is warm enough to plant flowers where you are!
    and I love, love, love to when people/bloggers share their yards/patios/gardens. Your's is so pretty! I agree...a great place to read a book!

    1. I forget that so many parts of the country aren't ready for planting, yet -- and here I was thinking I was getting a later start ;-) And thanks so much -- I too love when people share pictures of their garden/patio projects. I'm hoping to do a little more and when the flowers fill in, I'll try to remember to share some updated pics. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Your plans are awesome♫ Enjoy♥ Thanks for commenting on my blog♪

  17. What a nice, gentle spot you have made. I love the new flower plants which always brighten things. Happy planting and reading!


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