Monday, April 1, 2013

Mystery Mondays Blog Tour Guest Post & Giveaway featuring E.K. Prescott

Today, E.K. Prescott is joining us to talk about crafting stories with paranormal elements from historical events, as it relates to her new mystery release, The Ivy League Chronicles: 9 Squares. I'm also excited to be hosting a giveaway for one print copy -- be sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below the guest post! And if you'd like a sneak peak into the book, I'm also offering the first chapter for download -- see the "About The Book" section below for the link to a PDF copy of the first chapter! Now, let's welcome E.K. Prescott to Melissa's Bookshelf!

Mystics Make Elite Company: Metaphysics and 1920s High Society

If you were to be considered important in the 1920s social elite class of New Haven, CT (the setting for The Ivy League Chronicles: 9 Squares-a historical-fiction-mystery-series) you invited at least one mystic to your event. It was common for people of the time to go to séances, and consult psychics. Thus, crafting a story with paranormal elements from historical events was not as challenging as one might think. Many well known mystics of today lived during this time, such as Edgar Casey and Helena Blavatsky (who created the Theosophical Society). In fact, it was easy to add these two names to the background history of the book since they were such a part of the culture of the 20s.

So when creating an elitist day time TEA having a psychic at the party was like putting on a glove. The metaphysical theme was easy to move forward with the next goal – to explain the unexplainable events connecting the 2cnd Law of Thermodynamics, butterfly effect, and chaos theory with the movement of
energy which takes several forms; from a sand anomaly to an underground city which includes the Grand Ceremonial Chamber.

Illusions are a major theme of the book which intertwine with a metaphysical thread as well as a ruling elite perspective, and negative and positive energies. The United States history automatically provides smoke screens creating illusions of the truth. Thus researching the history and using various subsets of
metaphysics fell right into place. In fact as I was researching this book I couldn't believe all the truths I uncovered; it just took a creative mind to make it come alive.

In fact, to highlight the metaphysical theme in the series The Ivy League Chronicles, a mystic travels with me on my book tours ( We offer a free psychic reading with any book purchase on my book tours. I only bring the best! Hope to see you at one of the many events we have planned this year in cities across the country!

- EK Prescott, Ph.D.


One lucky reader will win a print copy of The Ivy League Chronicles: 9 Squares! Just use the Rafflecopter entry form below -- there are lots of ways to enter, and please leave a comment telling me why you want to read The Ivy League Chronicles: 9 Squares in order to be eligible for all possible entries! Be sure to come back and tweet about the giveaway every day during the contest for an additional 2 entries each day!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Pub Date: March 15, 2013
Publisher: Five Star Publications, Inc.
Download the 1st chapter here!
The year is 1923, and Richard Wikki, a former detective from Scotland Yard and now a professor at the prestigious Yale University in New Haven, CT, misses his days of crime solving. Maize Judson has enrolled at Yale with hopes of becoming an investigative journalist. When Maize and her friend find a skeleton buried in the sand at the beach with a mysterious amulet wrapped around its fingers, she and Richard set out to solve a murder. But Richard soon finds himself following well-planted illusionary clues, and as he continues to investigate, a series of events shake the depths of his philosophical, religious and spiritual beliefs, as well as his perspective on life…forever.


E.K. Prescott has been an educator for 30 years, and has taught at the college level for the past 15 years. She spent many years as a high school English teacher, middle school principal, and national educational consultant. Prescott earned her bachelor’s degree at the University of Missouri and her master’s degree at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She earned her doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she was awarded a three-year, full-time Fellowship. Prescott is currently an online Associate Faculty member, mentor and residency instructor for the University of Phoenix-School of Advanced Studies. Prescott lives in a log cabin nestled in the mountains of northern Arizona.


• Facebook: ‘Like’ EK Prescott on

• Twitter: Follow EK Prescott on

• Follow her adventures & learn about mystery writing on her blog:


  1. Sounds like a really good book and mystery. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. I would like to win this book because mysteries are my favorite books, and this one sounds like a good one. I'd love to find out how the rest of the story goes. Thanks for having the giveaway.



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