Sunday, March 31, 2013

Suddenly Sunday/TSS: Happy Easter W-I-R

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Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Svea @ The Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week. If you would like to participate, just grab the button and link back to Svea's blog.

Well, this week has not been as productive from a reading standpoint as I would normally like. I've been working on one book, Behold, Here's Poison by Georgette Heyer, all week. All of my "free" hours have been consumed with getting some data entry done for work that needs to be done by tonight. I still have a ways to go, so I will be working several more hours today and I am extremely unhappy about missing church on Easter Sunday this morning. But I'm not going to vent about the work situation here, just get done what needs to be done...

This week on the blog, I started out by finishing up Bloggiesta, which was last weekend. You can view one of my mini-challenge round-ups and my Finish Line post, where I summarize how productive my weekend was!

On Monday I completed my very last mini-challenge for Bloggiesta with a Getting to Know You Post about Jen @ The Relentless Reader! She writes a new-to-me blog and I'm so glad I found her thanks to Bloggiesta!

For Teaser Tuesdays, I shared a teaser from Behold, Here's Poison. (Here's hoping that I'm not sharing a teaser from the same book this upcoming Tuesday, sheesh!)

On Wednesday, I actually posted a book review, lol. I gave 5 stars to My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade.

For Booking Through Thursday, we had an interesting prompt that garnered some discussion on my post: Do you think books should have content ratings like movies and video games?

On Friday, because I hadn't finished a book to review, I decided to write a post about my feed reader dilemma now that Google Reader is going away. Read why I changed my mind and chose Feedly over Bloglovin' (after having committed to Bloglovin' during Bloggiesta). There were also some great comments from other bloggers about Bloglovin', Feedly, and some other readers, so be sure to check it out if you still haven't made up your mind over a replacement for GR once it goes away!

And yesterday I shared another week of the March Bookish Photo Challenges. I don't think I'm planning to participate in more than one Photo challenge in April (I did three this month), but we will see if I can hold myself to that. Three kind of burned me out, though...

Well, that's it for now. Another great week on the blog, and with this post, I managed to have at least one post every day this month! (And no, I'm not planning on trying to keep that up for April, but we will see if it happens naturally, lol.)

And now I'm off to get my sweet girl dressed for church and let her find her Easter basket!

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter, and Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter! I'm sorry work has been consuming much of your time, it's always a bummer when that happens. I really hope you enjoyed the rest of your day though.


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