Sunday, March 17, 2013

Suddenly Sunday/Sunday Salon:
Happy St. Patty's Day!

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Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Svea @ The Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week. If you would like to participate, just grab the button and link back here.
While I'm not Irish, nor do I even drink, haha, I am wearing my green today and wish all of you a Happy St. Patrick's Day! Miss Laura is rocking her little "Glam Rock" tee today, as well:

I had another full week on the blog -- I am truly amazed that I have been able to get a post up every day this month (so far)! I have been doing my best to schedule out reviews and other posts in advance whenever possible... I may run into a snag this upcoming week, though, as I am going to be traveling for work for a few days. I leave Monday morning and get back home late Thursday night. I do have a review scheduled for Monday, as well as my Teaser Tuesday post, and today I'll be writing up a review to schedule for Wednesday, but as of now Thursday's post is up in the air. I normally would participate in Booking Through Thursday, but I am not sure if I'll have the opportunity to check in and see what the prompt is while I'm down at a trade show in Orlando. We will see -- maybe I will have enough time in the morning before the show starts or will have time to kill at the airport while waiting for my flight back! One thing that is sure to suffer is my ability to comment on other blog posts while I am gone...

Here's a quick recap of the week's posts for those of you who may have missed any of them:

I shared three reviews on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:
~ The Destined Queen by Deborah Hale (Fantasy, 4 stars)
~ Safe in His Arms by Colleen Coble (Christian Historical Fiction, 4 stars)
~ Awaken by Sarah M. Ross (YA Paranormal, 4 stars)

My Teaser Tuesday post was from After The Funeral by Agatha Christie. The review is scheduled for tomorrow -- the return of Mystery Mondays!

For Booking Through Thursday, we talked about "mood reading."

And yesterday's Saturday Snapshot post was another round-up of the Bookish Photo-a-Day challenges I have been participating in this month. Those will be tough to keep up with, as well, this upcoming week, but I will do my best! (I even set reminders on my phone, LOL.)

I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to catching up with you again next Sunday! Happy Reading!


  1. Congrats on all the posting this month! I have not been as lucky. Life has been so unpredictable this month. Your girl looks very cute in her Glam Rock tee! Happy St. Paddy's day!

    1. Thank you -- believe me, I can understand life being unpredictable! I don't imagine I'll aim for daily posting next month, but now that I've realized the streak I have going this month, I hate to mess it up, haha. Thank you for stopping by!! :-)

  2. Wow, a post a day! That's really good...I usually end up doing that, but I have eleven blogs, so I

    Love Miss Laura's photo. She looks very comfy there, with her book, her sippy cup, and her cuddly toy.


    1. I don't know how you can keep 11 blogs straight, LOL! :-)

      Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words for Laura's picture!

  3. I'm just back from a blogging break so I'm lucky to get a few posts up a week. It's been nice to get back to blogging on my own terms in a simpler way. Miss Laura is adorable, she looks like a big girl now! Have a good week at the trade show!

  4. Great that you had a productive week on your blog. I had one of those, too, and being productive on my blog makes me feel more motivated to be productive on other aspects of my life. Productivity is exhilarating. :)

    My Sunday Salon


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