Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday Snapshot: My name is Melissa...

...and I'm a Photo-a-Day-holic. At least I am going to be this month! I have been participating in Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day challenge since the start of the year, but this month I am adding on two different bookish Photo a Day challenges, as well! What better place to highlight them than Saturday Snapshot, which is hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books.
The first bookish photo challenge I signed up for was #EstellaGram, hosted over at The Estella Society.

Here's my pic for #EstellaGram March 1st (Bookshelves)... We've got them in every room in our tiny townhouse, except the bathrooms! I would have even more books except there's just no room so I had to resort to buying a Nook and using the Kindle app for iPad, haha!

And here's my pic for #EstellaGram March 2nd (TBR)... Pretty self-explanatory, though I will admit to needing to add the books I want to read but don't own to my "to-read" shelf. I think I'm afraid to see that number, though, LOL.

The second bookish photo challenge I'm participating in is #BSMPhotoaday hosted by Book Soulmates:

So here's my #BSMPhotoaday March 1st picture (Blog picture, which seems a little silly if you're here on my blog reading this, I suppose, haha):

And for #BSMPhotaday March 2nd we've got what I'm currently reading, which I guess is also a little obvious if you're here on my blog reading this, since it's posted in my sidebar, LOL.

Next week I will post the pictures I took for the week for these two challenges, but I will try to be less wordy about it! ;-) Happy Saturday!


  1. I always like to look at other people's bookshelves your's are much tidier than our's - we haven books everywhere (even in the bathroom!). My Snapshot is at

  2. I've got bookshelves in all of my rooms, too, EVEN the

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  3. Great bookshelves!!

    Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  4. Fun challenges -- I like your bookshelf pictures, and same here, books everywhere in my house except for the bathroom. Lots of shelves and piles of books too ;)

  5. Your bookshelves look so much neater than mine! I'm excited about this challenge.

  6. Oh dear! You should have never told me there is a bookish photo-a-day challenge! Just my cup of tea!

  7. Love the crowded bookshelves!

  8. I love the thought of that challenge.... maybe I will join it too.

  9. Whew, so much bookish photo fun! Have a great time with your challenges. :)

  10. Have fun with both challenges.

  11. Ohh sounds like fun! I especially like the bookshelf - I have a weakness for bookshelves.

  12. Books, books, books! I love a good shelf of books. Great pics.

    My Saturday Snapshot

  13. Aren't books wonderful? I love your shelves. I have them all over my house as well. The photo challenges sound like such fun! I'll have to try some of them myself. :)

  14. Oh your shelves look great - hmm they're neater than mine. (I have a few books in the bathroom as I read there.) Your challenge participation looks like fun.


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