Monday, March 25, 2013

#Bloggiesta: Getting To Know...
The Relentless Reader!

I came across so many new-to-me book blogs during Bloggiesta, it's almost embarrassing. Oh, who am I kidding, it IS embarrassing! I suppose I did fall of the face of the book-blogging earth for awhile and many, many new blogs cropped up, but I even came across some that have been around longer than my blog! Guess it just goes to show what a big world it is out there, and that it is ever-growing!

Today, for the Bloggiesta Getting To Know You mini-challenge, hosted by Suey @ It's All About Books, I am featuring:

In addition to her fantastic book blog, you can find her on...

Twitter: @JenHartling

Jen hails from Wisconsin and has been reviewing several different genres on her blog since June 2012, including Contemporary Fiction/Literary Fiction, Memoirs, Historical Fiction, Nonfiction, and Autobiography/Biography. Since I have been trying to branch out and read some things outside my comfort zone and noticed that she blogged about a lot of those genres, I knew I had to start following her blog! It also doesn't hurt that her blog is very eye-catching; just look at that grab button up there! I hope you will all go pay her a visit and add her to your blog reading lists!!


  1. Great feature! I heart Jen's blog as well!

  2. Hey, that's me! ;) Thanks a million for featuring me and my blog Melissa! I really appreciate it to bits. I'm kinda blushing, ha ha!

  3. Hey I love her blog.. she is great! =)

  4. Jen is awesome and she's great about visiting and commenting/supporting other bloggers. She's always got encouraging words and great discussion. I love Jen's blog as well and glad to see you featured her!

  5. Excellent choice! Jen and her blog have been a great addition to the book blog world!

  6. I haven't ever been "out" of book blogging since I started, and I am ALWAYS discovering new and old blogs that I've missed. That's part of what I love about this community :)

  7. There are so many blogs I don't know about! When I first started in 2009 there were not nearly as many. Now I feel like there's no way to keep up with them all! I don't know Relentless Reader I don't think. I will check her out now. :)


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