Sunday, March 24, 2013

Suddenly Sunday / TSS: Week-In-Review

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Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Svea @ The Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week. If you would like to participate, just grab the button and link back to Svea's blog.

This week has been busy on all fronts for me -- except for the home front, I suppose -- since I was out of town Monday through Thursday for a trade show in Orlando. I actually found more time for reading than I expected, though not all books will be reviewed here. (I don't typically review general romance books on this blog, and I did read a couple on the plane trips and at the hotel. However, I am writing brief reviews on Goodreads for those two particular books.) Somehow, I managed to keep up with all three of my daily photo challenges that I'm participating in this month, despite everything that was going on. And once again, I had a post every day last week! My goal is to finish out the month with a post every day and then hopefully I won't keep pressuring myself to meet that same goal every month, haha. Anyway, here is my round-up in case you missed anything this week!

This week I again posted three reviews on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:

~ Mystery Mondays: After The Funeral by Agatha Christie (4 stars, Mystery)
~ The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (5 stars, YA Paranormal)
~ Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer (5 stars, Christian Historical Fiction)

My Teaser Tuesday post shared a couple of sentences from The Scorpio Races, as well.

This week's Booking Through Thursday prompt was about our first read of Spring. I plan to have the review up in time tomorrow for another Mystery Mondays post.

And for Saturday Snapshot yesterday, I shared all of the photos I have been taking for #BSMPhotoaday and #EstellaGram.

Of course, on Friday night, I discovered that this weekend is Bloggiesta! I love this weekend that is devoted to blog improvement and meeting new-to-me bloggers. So this weekend, I am doubling up on blog posts each day -- something I don't usually do -- but I want to devote some time to Bloggiesta. Yesterday I posted a mini-challenge round-up of three challenges that I either participated in directly or simply want to promote. This afternoon, I'll have my second mini-challenge round-up posted. You know, normally I feel like it's overkill to have more than one post per day on my blog, but it really was necessary to make an exception in order to participate in Bloggiesta this weekend. What about you? Do any bloggers out there post more than once a day on a regular basis? Do you think it matters?

In general reading news, I'm still keeping a nice steady pace to meet my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge goal of 100 books. I've already read 38 books, which is 16 ahead of schedule -- I have managed to gain about two books since February!

Additionally, I have now read nine books towards the #TakeControl March 2013 TBR Challenge hosted by Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. I'm hoping to finish March having read and reviewed 12 books for the challenge, so that means I'll need to read and review three more books this week... I have to confess that Bloggiesta may keep me from reaching that goal, but we will see. I haven't even started the newest book I currently claim (via Goodreads) to be reading, Behold, Here's Poison, by Georgette Heyer.

Hope everyone enjoys what is left of the weekend -- why do they always go by so quickly?! Happy Reading!


  1. I've also been participating in Bloggiesta, and typically that means several posts before it's done. Then I had another one for a checkpoint on my Mt. TBR Challenge.

    My list for Bloggiesta is pretty short, too. I added a few things as I went along. I liked the mini-challenges, and one of them was to feature another blogger.

    I like the interaction amongst the bloggers.

    Enjoy the rest of the party!


  2. There are a lot of bloggers that post more than once a day - and often those people are the type that post meme after meme after meme. Although I think memes are a great way to get ideas around, I think some people WAY overdo it. More than one a day is too much. I'd say more than a couple a week is too much for my tastes, but I know plenty of people who don't agree with me on that. :)

    I think you should consider not the quantity of posts but the quality. If they have something interesting to say, why shouldn't they post more than once a day?

    My Sunday Salon

  3. I personally try not to but there are some out there who do it a lot. Sometimes it's worth looking at but most of the time it's usually a meme, and while some are good it becomes a bit much.
    I don't really mind as long as the post is substantial, but I don't like when it's everyday of the week. It's overwhelming. But the most important thing is that if that's what they enjoy, then by all means.


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