Sunday, April 21, 2013

TSS/Suddenly Sunday: Week-In-Review

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Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Svea @ The Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week. If you would like to participate, just grab the button and link back to Svea's blog.

After a rather slow and quiet week last week, I got back into regular blogging with a few reviews and other posts this week, managing to post something every day. I've been doing LOTS of reading lately, much more than I had thought I would be and I still haven't gotten burned out on it! I think it helps that I try to mix up the kinds of books I read so I don't get into a rut with a particular genre. But as of Friday, I am actually halfway through with my 2013 Reading Challenge!

I'm still a little surprised, myself, when I see those numbers! :-)

But in case you missed anything at Melissa's Bookshelf this week, here's a round-up of what went down...

I reviewed four books books:
For Teaser Tuesdays, I shared a passage from The Inconvenient Duchess by Christine Merrill, a Harlequin romance that I don't plan to review here at the blog, but as I noted on Goodreads, it was better than I expected! I may add more to that review down the road.

This week I wrote a Thursday Thoughts post, since the prompt for Booking Through Thursday wasn't really up my alley this time. I may do that from time to time instead of always participating in BTT... (Random aside, does anyone else remember the Thursday Thunks meme? I really miss that!) Anyway, for Thursday Thoughts, I mused a bit about no longer accepting books for review. And the reason why that has come up again for me is because of a certain negative review that I am putting off writing even at this very moment by scheduling this post instead, haha.

And last but not least, yesterday I shared some pictures from this year's Spring planting efforts around our patio for Saturday Snapshot.

I'm expecting the coming week to be another good one. As I write this (Friday afternoon), I've got three reviews to write and schedule, my Teaser Tuesdays post is already waiting to go live, and I'm sure I'll have some pictures lined up for Saturday Snapshot again. So, I guess I'd better get cracking on these reviews now... Hope everyone has a great day and enjoys what is left of the weekend!


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