Thursday, August 20, 2009

BBAW - Thanks for the Noms!!

BBAWI have to send out HUGE Thank You's to those who nominated me for 4 separate BBAW categories...

~ Best General Review Blog
~ Best Writing
~ Most Concise
~ Best New Blog

I am truly honored and humbled by these nominations. I honestly can't tell you how much they mean to me!

Stealing a page out of other people's books, I was wondering if any of you had any thoughts about posts (5 for each category) that I should submit for consideration?? I've actually even recruited my mother to help me out, as she's a loyal reader of my blog! I'll be pondering my submissions tonight and tomorrow, and hope to get them all in sometime tomorrow evening, since the deadline is 11:59pm! So if you think of a post that I ought to include in my submissions, please leave me a comment with the post suggestion and the category--your help is most greatly appreciated!!

Once again, thank you all for your continued support and blogging love... I wouldn't be here without you all!


  1. Congrats, you deserve them all!

  2. Congrats!! Very well deserved.

  3. Wow, congrats on the nominations! Very well deserved, indeed. :)

  4. Congrats on all the nominations! That's awesome! :)

  5. Congratulations! That's a great idea, recruiting your mom to help pick out posts. I'd recruit mine, only she doesn't read my blog LOL

  6. all your posts are great - you will have hard time selecting :P

    Congrats - well deserved!

  7. Congrats Melissa, doin the *happy happy* dance!!

  8. Congratulations! Selecting those posts is so hard!

  9. Wow! Congrats, Melissa. I've got to agree that you're definitely one of my favorite new blogs. Good luck with everything!

  10. Melissa -- congrats, that is so wonderful!

  11. Congratulations on these well-deserved nominations...and Good Luck!

  12. Congrats Melissa! You've accomplished a lot on your blog in only 6 months!

  13. Congrats!!

    I have something for you here:

  14. Congrats Melissa-well deserved!

  15. Congrats on your nominations!

    I'm reading Strangely Beautiful right now, too!


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