Monday, August 10, 2009

Mystery Mondays: Winners of Dying for Mercy!!!

I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting my post to see who the two lucky winners of Mary Jane Clark's Dying for Mercy would be. I'm sorry I couldn't get to it sooner today. I'd like to congratulate... drumroll, please...



Ryan G

I will be sending an email to you both momentarily so that you can send me your mailing addresses, which I will forward on to the folks at Wiredset. (I'd like to thank them again for allowing me to host this giveaway!)

I hope you both enjoy the book! Congratulations!


  1. Well, I was really hoping I'd win, but I knew the odds were against me. So in lieu of winning, I wish the winners a big congratulations! And hours of happy reading.

  2. Congrats to both of them. Lucky indeed!

  3. Congrats to both of you!...nice giveaway!


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