Saturday, August 15, 2009

Keep Your Eye Out For Another Giveaway

You may or may not have noticed, but I am approaching 300 Followers on Google Friend Connect. (!) Come to think of it, I'm also approaching my 6-month blogiversary, which will be August 18th. Wouldn't it be something if those two events coincided??

Regardless of whether or not they do coincide, I think that hitting the 300 follower mark will call for another contest! I'm still trying to decide what I want to do, but just know that as soon as I hit that magic number you'll be hearing about a great giveaway!

I really have to thank all of you out there for reading my blog, commenting on posts, and sharing links to my blog on your own blogs and web sites. I never imagined that Melissa's Bookshelf would grow the way that it has or that it would have garnered the tremendous support that you've given it (and me). And even though I'm at a point where I am not able to read, review or post as much, you've still stuck with me. I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart! You're all awesome!

So what better way to say thank you guys than to have a little giveaway? Keep your eyes open, and if you aren't a follower on Google Friend Connect, become one! As of the time of writing this post, we're only 4 away from the magic number 300, when the fun will start soon after! :-D


  1. Congratulations Melissa! 300 is something to be proud of!

  2. Congrats, Melissa! You've done very well in 6 months!

  3. Hope you reach 300 followers real soon! I'm excited for the giveaway. :D

  4. I think it would be great if the 300 followers and the anniversary coincide.

    I cannot wait to see what giveaway you come up with.


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