Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Salon (08.02.09): July '09 In Review

Happy Sunday, Saloners! Sorry I've been absent from the salon for awhile, other than a review here or there. There just hasn't been too much to write about this summer. I thought I'd use today's post to recap my month of July, which wasn't too shabby... 16 books read! I have to admit, I thought I'd read more because I was on vacation in between jobs the entire month, but it's amazing how busy one can keep even without a job!


5 stars:
After The Fire by Belva Plain
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling

4-1/2 stars:
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
The King's Rose by Alisa M. Libby
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Holly's Inbox by Holly Denham (Bill Surie)
A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi

4 stars:
7th Heaven by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
Keeping The Moon by Sarah Dessen
A Deadly Habit by Andrea Sisco
A Bride Most Begrudging by Deeanne Gist
The Lost Years of Merlin by T. A. Barron
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells

3-1/2 stars:
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong

So nothing lower than 3-1/2 stars, not too shabby!! And this month's total page count was 6,075!


This is a tough one, because I read a lot of great books this month, but rather than have a few of my 5 star books share this honor, I am choosing a debut that really stood out: Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev.

ELS Cover


As you may have seen from one of yesterday's posts, I completed my first reading challenge, the Pages Read Challenge hosted by Kathrin at Secret Dreamworld of a Bookaholic! I had set my goal at 30,000 pages and little did I realize I'd be meeting it by the end of July! As for my other challenges, I have now read 3 of 9 books for the Sarah Dessen challenge (ends 12/31), since I added Keeping The Moon this month. I also managed to squeak in The Time Machine by H. G. Wells for the Classics Challenge (ends 10/31) before the month ended, so now I've finished 2 of 6 towards that challenge. And I have now read 86 books for the 100+ Challenge of 2009!


I thought I ought to tell you all that you may not hear from me quite as much beginning tomorrow. I am starting a new job after having enjoyed five glorious weeks of vacation when my previous job ended. This new job will definitely keep me busier than my old job. I'm going to be the Assistant Store Manager at the Barnes & Noble at Georgia Tech, a college superstore in mid-town Atlanta. This is the company I worked with for five years before my most recent job, and that is even the store I came from.

One possible change to my reading habits may come from this--my commute is going to be a bit longer so I may be trying out and reviewing more audiobooks in the near future. I figure that will be a good way to maximize my time since I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to devote to my usual reading. I will try to keep up with my usual memes, but I think I likely won't be churning out as many reviews as I was for awhile. But who knows? Maybe I'll surprise myself and read more than I expect to!

And because there is actual a blog policy (that I had to sign) for B&N, I am supposed to say something to the effect that the views represented in this blog do not necessarily reflect the view of Barnes & Noble College Bookstores, Inc. whenever I mention them in a post. I'll have to get the exact verbiage when I can get a copy of the policy for myself!

Happy Sunday and happy reading, everyone!


  1. Sixteen books in one month sounds like a terrific reading spree to me!

    My dream job is to someday work at Barnes and Noble, so you are living the ideal life in my book :)

    Good luck on the first day tomorrow.

  2. You had a great reading month! I could only manage to read 7 books!

    July 2009 Wrap up

  3. Great month! And good luck in the new job. Too funny that they make you add a disclaimer.

  4. Best of luck in the new job...what a dream to work at Barnes & Noble...lucky you!! :)

  5. Good luck with the new job, Melissa! Maybe I'll stop in and say "hi" sometime!


  6. Congrats on the job! You had a great month, especially if nothing was lower than 3.5!

  7. Melissa...Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the look of your site. I will also return. You had an amazing reading month. Congrats...I am anxious to read Fire, so I'm glad you rated it up there.
    I'll return..I added your feed.

  8. Great reading month Melissa! Good luck with the new job =) I think it's so funny about the blog disclaimer.

  9. You had a good month Melissa. Hope AUg is good too.

  10. I loved my years working for B&N! Signing a blog disclaimer is pretty funny. When I worked there, almost 10 years ago, blogs were not as prevalent as today. Have fun at your new job!

  11. I could never keep up with you reading,lol.I read mostly in the wintertime when I have alot of spare time.My mother loves belva Plaine.I will have tot ell her about that one.I wrote down a few to check out for myself as well.Thanks for sharing.Have a great day tommorrow,Good Luck!

  12. I am so very happy for you, Melissa. You've gotten the perfect job for a smart, personable bibliophile like yourself, and I truly hope you will be fulfilled. You inspire me to keep reading more : ).

  13. Wow-awesome reading this past month Melissa!

    Congrats on starting the new job. That kind of job would be my idea of heaven!

  14. A new job that's book related. Not bad at all!!

    Once you get the routine down, I'm sure everything will fall into place as far as reading and blogging, etc. Long commutes are a drag. I have one too but as you said, audio is a great way to go to get some "reading time" in.

    Good luck!

  15. Sixteen books! I don't work and I only managed nine. I need to get more organised.

  16. Congrats on the new job! I am really looking forward to reading Eyes Like Stars - I love the cover.

  17. I'll have to come by that store and see if I recognize you! I live in the Highlands, so I usually go to the B&N in Edgewood on Moreland. But now that I know someone on the other side of I-75/85, there's more incentive to go the extra distance. Best of luck!

  18. I really need to read Eyes Like Stars! It looks fabulous and so many people have loved it.

    Good luck on your first day at the new job!

  19. Great news on the job. I know you'll be fantastic. And good idea on the audiobooks. I've got a bit of a commute myself and listening material is a must!

  20. Sounds like you had a great reading month, Melissa! Way to go!

    And congratulations on completing your first challenge of the year. I am floundering a bit in my challenges, but I gave up stressing about that last year. As long as I am enjoying what I am reading, I'm quite content. :-)

    Congratulations on your new job! How exciting that you'll be working in a bookstore! have a great first day tomorrow and a wonderful week.

  21. You had an amazing month! Congrats on the new job! I've always wanted to work in a bookstore. Good luck!

  22. Out of all the Harry Potter books, my wife's favorite was the Half Blood Prince. Myself? I'm ashamed to say I haven't read any of them (gasp!). The Merlin book also looks interesting to me. I like how your blog is designed with the headers at the top. Very nicely done. Okay, I know this is a long, run-on paragraph, but just felt lazy at 10:30 here at night to break everything up. ;)

  23. Wow! You certainly had a great month. I read 8 books, and I'll be posting my list later this week.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  24. I usually only READ 4 books a month.. ok give or take 5! BUT never in my life can i imagine reading 16!!!!!!!!!!!

    Melissa, you are making me feel so so bad :) :) [ j/k]

    Congrats on you rnew job! Wow! You are working at B&N , that sounds good already!

    I hope you have a successful career there! Take care!

  25. Wow! A month with nothing under 3.5 stars is a good month!
    I've just bought "City of Bones", hopefully I'll like it as much as you loved the books in the series!

  26. Fun new job! I'm in Buckhead, we'll have to get together!


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