Monday, July 20, 2009

Adding Another "Home" For My Books!

I don't know about the rest of you, but my book collection seems to steadily get bigger and bigger. I recently added some bookshelves that my parents were no longer using and I've almost outgrown them! What's a girl to do? Look for another bookshelf, of course! And this girl shops on a budget.

As it turns out, I was recently contacted by CSN Office Furniture to pick out a piece of their ample selection of furniture to review. I toyed with the idea of an office chair, as ours is looking a bit sad, but ultimately you know I couldn't pass up a bookshelf. The chair will just have to wait (although it was tempting, given the many options they have for office chairs!).

CSN Furniture LogoNow if I wasn't on a budget (and perhaps you aren't), I would be tempted to shop for something like this:

Large Bookshelf
Isn't it gorgeous??? But right now that would require a new, bigger house to go along with it. Not quite in the budget. :-) But I can dream, right? And honestly, CSN Office Furniture has a bookshelf to fit every need, whether you are looking for something large or small, wide or narrow, or even a corner piece. Ultimately I found a darling bookshelf that will work great in one of our guest bedrooms, which have become the main locations where I keep my rapidly growing book collection. Here's a sneak peak at the shelf I'll be telling you about down the road, what do you think?

I can't wait to put it in its new home!

Perhaps you don't need any bookshelves right now, but even if that's the case, CSN Office Furniture has a wide selection of chairs, desks, and other office furniture for every budget, taste, and style. Their web site is easy to navigate (always a plus!) with many options to narrow down your search to find exactly what you're looking for! Take a peek at their site and see what you can find for your home or office today!

Be sure to check back soon to get my thoughts on the bookshelf after it arrives!


  1. Very pretty! I hope when I get a house I can invest in some matching awesome bookshelves.

  2. Yep, we just had to add new book shelves, too...sigh.

  3. That's the one piece of furniture I don't mind buying :) Enjoy it!

  4. Hey Melissa, I have an award for you! Come pick it up at my blog!

  5. That is a *beautiful* bookshelf! Wish we had the budget for something like that (sigh). Well, you richly deserve it. I hope you thoroughly enjoy it.

  6. Kristen ~ Yeah, that first set I pictured really caught my eye. Maybe one day we'll be able to have shelves like that!

    Amanda ~ Well, there could be worse things to buy.

    Ti ~ I'm with you, I love getting new bookshelves!!

    Thanks for the award, Keri!!

    Margot ~ I wish we had a budget for something like that, too! But I'm going to content myself with the smaller cute shelf. Right now it's probably all we need anyway, until I buy some more books, haha.

  7. Gorgeous big bookcases, there weren't enough books on them though lol (wouldnt be a problem in my house)
    Love your choice, it's just so cute, exactly what I could do with in my bedroom, my books are double stacked in the huge bookcase and now my bedside table tbr pile has spilled over into piles on the floor beside the bed. You would think the easiest solution would be to stop buying books ha ha!

  8. Melissa, how long will it last though! If you are like me, you may need a dozen rather than one! I am thinking IKEA and double the amount of shelves.

  9. That is a nice bookshelf Melissa. You'll have that one filled in no time. What I wouldn't give for enough room for that huge one though.

  10. I love the one that you will be getting. I've been hounding my husband for bookshelves since he is a carpenter it shouldn't be an issue right? Ya, right!

  11. Wow! the first one looks just so good!

    I wish I could shop a book shelf myself :) buying one won't hurt :)

  12. Congratulations for these bookshelves, it's nice to see that people still read nowadays.

  13. I like that shelf! The only problem for me is that it would get overloaded with books too quickly. I usually get mine at Office Depot or someplace. Just regular 6 footers, very sturdy, kind of cheap. :) But I would LOOOOOOVE to have a shelf like in the first picture. My goodness--and some lounge chairs? A chaise? Heaven. :)

  14. Very pretty! I like it a lot. We all wish we could afford another bookshelf that looks like the one in the first picture, I'm sure. I know I am with you!

  15. Even if they look good, a self-storage unit would be a simpler solution.

  16. Moreover, this is exactly the style that I like for bookshelves, and furniture, in general. Antique and massive.


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