Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Month In Review: June '09

June ended up surprising me--it was a better reading month than I thought it would be. I knew I would be busy with it being my last month at my job, but somehow I still managed to find time to read 15 books (and reviewed 16--one leftover from May)! For me, that's a good month. Here's how they all break down (this month I'm trying something different--listing the reviews by my star ratings, to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak):

5 stars:
T'aragam by Jack W. Regan
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder

4-1/2 stars:
Boston Scream Pie by Rosemary and Larry Mild
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
A Passion Denied by Julie Lessman

4 stars:
Why Shoot a Butler? by Georgette Heyer
Beyond This Moment by Tamera Alexander
Priceless Memories (Audiobook) by Bob Barker
Star of the Morning by Lynn Kurland
For Glory by Elisabeth Lee

3-1/2 stars:
Marked (House of Night #1) by P.C. and Kristin Cast

3 stars:
That Summer by Sarah Dessen
The Jewel of Gresham Green by Lawana Blackwell
The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb

2 stars:
The Manning Brides by Debbie Macomber

Did Not Finish: Yes, I did have one this month. I simply could not get into Swoon by Nina Malkin. The drug use and casual sex got on my nerves early on and I decided that I had too many other books I really wanted to read rather than waste my time on that one.

I don't know about all of you, but when I type up these posts, I find myself thinking, "Wow, I read that book this month?" I guess when you read so many books and time passes so quickly, you do start to lose track of just how much you've accomplished. That's one reason why I like to do these monthly recap posts. It puts it all into perspective for me, and I hope you find them interesting or helpful, as well!

T'aragam CoverJUNE'S TOP PICK

Last month, I know I cheated and just listed all my five star reviews because I had such an incredible reading month. This time around, however, I actually do have just one book that to me, stood out above the others... T'aragam by Jack W. Regan! While I enjoyed my other 5-star books, reading T'aragam was just a fun experience for me and it's the start of a promising fantasy series for Juvenile readers and up!


I do need to be better about updating my challenge progress in these monthly reviews. The Weekly Geeks question about reading challenges has helped jump start me with this, and you can see my thoughts on reading challenges here.

100+ Challenge (hosted at J. Kaye's Book Blog) - I am now at 70 books read, and we're only halfway through the year! I wish I'd be able to keep that rate up for the remainder of the year, but I have a feeling my new job may not allow for as much reading time as I've had lately. We'll see!

Pages Read Challenge (hosted at Secret Dreamworld of a Bookaholic)- I think that somehow I won't have any trouble reaching my goal of 30,000 pages read by the end of the year... I'm already at 24,180! At least I'll have a better idea of what to plan for next year. :-)

2009 Classics Challenge (hosted at Trish's Reading Nook)- Here's where I need to get to work. I've only read one (that counts, if you visit my post you'll see where I goofed up earlier) and planned to read 6 total! I've got a few weeks off here before my new job, so I'm hoping to get at least 2 Classics read during that time.

Sarah Dessen Challenge (hosted at Em's Bookshelf)- I joined this challenge earlier in the month after reading my first ever Sarah Dessen book, Just Listen. So far I've read 2 of 9 necessary books to complete the challenge, which I've chosen to try to do by the end of the year. So far, so good!

So that basically sums up my month. You can view all of my June 2009 posts here if you want to revisit anything I haven't mentioned above!


  1. Wow, I am impressed that you reviewed every book you read. I only review probably a quarter of what I read. That's something I need to work on. I like your new header and it loads super faster than before.

  2. Thanks, Kaye! I'm almost a little too OCD about reviewing every book I read, usually within a day or so after finishing. I guess now it's just become a habit. I think the faster load time is in part because I moved the background images to my Photobucket account after the designer's account exceeded its limit. Glad it's working better for you!

  3. Oh, I also got rid of the embedded comment form, and I think that really sped things up a bit...

  4. Fantastic job Melissa! I noticed that you gave City of Bones 5 stars. I have been trying to read the first 50 pages of this all week, but keep stalling. Should I keep trying or is it just not for everyone?

  5. Fifteen books - wow. I would love to have such a good reading month.

  6. You had a great month Melissa. Way to go!

  7. Wow thats a lot of books! Looks like some great reads too.

  8. What a great month you had. I review everything I read.. and I am in a huge slump... about 3 books per month. and that makes me grumpy...

  9. Thanks Amanda!

    Jess ~ I think you should keep going. As I recall, I had a hard time getting into it at first as well, and then at some point something clicked and I couldn't put it down. Or who knows, it could be that you just need to come back to it later! :-)

    Scrap Girl, Dar & Natalie W ~ Thank you! I was rather surprised when I saw all I'd manage to read :-)

    Toni ~ Interestingly, I haven't felt motivated to read much this week, and I'm at the start of 5 weeks off between jobs, when I thought I'd be reading like crazy. I hope it's not a sign of a slump, but I suppose they happen to all of us. Good luck!! 3 books/month is better than 0 books/month :-D

  10. Wow, Melissa! I'd say for *most* people 15 books is a stellar month! Some of these book bloggers are just crazy. :) I managed to get in 4, but with work being as busy as it was, I'm happy with that. I hope your July is just as great! (And you still got lots of time for the classics challenge).

  11. You're just a reading machine! I don't think I can write fast enough to keep up with you. ;0)

    Seriously, thanks for the top pick.

  12. Trish ~ Thanks! I find anything over 10 for me to be pretty impressive, but then I'm always amazed when I'll see people who read over 20 books/month consistently. I'm hoping to have an amazing July, but who knows? This week I haven't finished a book since Sunday! :-/

    Jack W. Regan ~ Thanks for stopping by again! And you're most welcome. I'm ready for book 2 ;-)

  13. I love that you listed them by rating. How fun! Didn't you LOVE City of Bones?


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