Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Finds (07.03.09)

Friday FindsFriday Finds is hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. This week I have so many books (4 discovered in the blogosphere and 4 discovered at the local used bookstore) that I am not going to post synopses for each title but will include links so that you can check the books out for yourself! So let's get started!

Books discovered in the blogosphere (click on the links below the pictures to take you to my store for more information--don't worry, you don't have to purchase, but I like the way the information is laid out on those pages :-D):


  1. I'd pick all of these, based on the covers, to read the back! I only linked to the Prophecy of the Sisters and yikes!

    Great finds, here's mine

  2. forgot to say... "LOVE the look of your blog!" I haven't read everything yet but it is a pleasant place to visit.

    does that even make sense? maybe I'd better get to bed before any more posts ;-)

  3. Great finds this week! :) Looks like you found some older books you want to read.

  4. Would you believe I have mentioned Dean Koontz's Life Expectancy in my post for the Friday Fill in? LOL

    Some very good finds! Especially Dean's :)

    Here are my Friday Finds!

    Hope you like! And please check out the Friday fill in post - it's short! So, you can see what I mean. :)


  5. Dragons of a Fallen Sun is a great book however, I recommend reading Dragons of Autumn Twilight first as that's how it really all starts :)

  6. Prophecy of the Sisters is on my WL! And I read Holly's Inbox a little while ago and loved it!

  7. I am quite taken with Holly's Inbox. I read a review on it earlier today and just loved the sound of it.

  8. I noticed The Prophecy Sisters earlier this week. It sounds good. I think I might have saved it for one of my finds as well later this month. I've got Holly's Inbox too. I can't wait to start it - it's a chunkster! lol.

  9. I'm a big Koontz fan but I haven't read that one yet. He's such a funny guy. I met him once and he had me laughing.

  10. I concur that the Prophecy of Sisters caught my eye as well!
    Some great finds there!

  11. Book Dragon ~ Thank you!! (And yes, it did make sense) :-D I hope you come back for a visit often!

    Kristen ~ Yep, I'm trying to find some stuff that's not all over the blogosphere right now to mix in with what IS popular. We'll see how it goes!

    Sassy Brit ~ That was funny about the Dean Koontz connection. And you've got some great finds, too!

    Marie ~ I don't know how I didn't manage to add Prophecy to my wish list sooner!

    Gautami Tripathi ~ You've got a great FF post, too, happy reading!

    Okbolover ~ Thank you for the recommendation!! I never would have realized that, as the cover says it's the first in a series. I will definitely look for the other book first, though.

    Purplg8r ~ I have to confess I'm not sure about Holly's Inbox but I'm going to give it a shot!

    Scrap girl ~ I'll let you know what I think of it. I do have my doubts but I'm trying to branch out a bit.

    Dar ~ Yeah, I couldn't believe how thick Holly's Inbox was, lol! But I hear it's a fast read because of the formatting. It looked like it would be...

    Ti ~ Somehow I've never read Dean Koontz so I'm looking forward to trying this one out!

    Marie Burton ~ Thanks! I added more books than usual to the list this week...

  12. My husband read the Dragonlance books as a teen and really enjoyed them. We read them together when we first started dating and even though I'm not a huge fantasy fan, they were well done. There's a lot in the series, but I think there's a trilogy that's the main books.


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