Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Product Review: Bookshelf from CSN Office Furniture

I am happy to report that my Antigua 4 Tier bookshelf arrived from CSN Office Furniture yesterday afternoon! I started putting it together shortly after it was delivered, but due to an interruption I was not able to get back to it until this afternoon. In the end, I think it took less than an hour to assemble, which is GREAT in my book!

Here are a couple of pictures of the packaging...

Bookshelf packageHere we have the box. It wasn't too big or too heavy so I had no problem getting it upstairs into the room where it would be going. That's a good thing, since my husband wasn't home at the time I started putting this together!

Open Box picAfter opening the box, this is what I found: everything was neatly packaged and nothing was damaged! One thing I particularly like--see that little white square with the hardware in the middle? Rather than have all the pieces in a bag, they are packaged nicely so you can leave them sitting in their plastic compartments, just tear off the cardboard backing and everything's ready to be used as you need it. An allen wrench is also included, but it should also be noted that you will need a Philips-head screwdriver when putting this together, as well.

And now what you've all been waiting for....

The finished bookshelfThe finished product!

Room pictureHere's how it looks by the bed. It was a little bigger than I thought it would be so this isn't where I originally intended to put it, but I think I'm glad it worked out this way! Now this is my official home for my TBR books! It was nice to get them out of their somewhat precarious stacks on top of other bookshelves.

Overall, I am really impressed with this bookshelf. It's sturdy and attractive and goes together quickly with easy-to-follow instructions. My only complaint about the building process was that there were numerous instances where the pre-drilled holes for the screws did not line up with the pieces that were being attached. I know that is not an uncommon thing, but in this case it happened nearly every time I went to install the leg pieces. Despite that, this was still an easy bookcase to put together--probably one of the easiest I've ever built, in fact! One other nice bonus with this piece? It comes with floor levelers that you screw in to the bottom of each leg, so if you have uneven floors, problem solved!

All-in-all, this is a great little bookshelf that I know will get lots of use over the years, and I really appreciate CSN Office Furniture giving me the chance to review this item. Their shipping is fast (and in many cases, FREE!) and their items come safely packaged so you don't have to worry about damaged pieces. I will definitely be revisiting their site for future office furniture needs!

My rating: 4-1/2 stars


  1. OH wow that is beautiful! I need one for my bedroom, i'll have to look for it.
    Natalie :0)

  2. Pretty! (and functional, it looks like)

  3. Very pretty! *wants one* I keep crossing my fingers.. but I won't be getting new furniture for a while yet.

  4. this is really pretty! i need a new one so bad.

  5. Floor levelers are such a smart feature for bookcases, file drawers, and tables. that's a nice looking bookcase!

  6. wowww! loooks so NEAT!@

    And what a lovely bedroom you have :)

  7. Great bookshelf. I got contacted by them and my bookshelf was sent out last night. I can not wait to get it. I didn't get anything with a design or anything. Mine was basically just a light colored bookshelf, no designs, legs or anything, kind of old fashioned. :) I just wanted lots of room for my books.

  8. Just dropping in to tell you that Shellie of Layers of Thought gave me an award and I'm passing it on to you! Stop by the post to grab the button and check out the instructions.

    Beautiful shelf, wonder where I would put another one....

  9. It looks lovely. How many book shelves do you have now?

  10. Thanks everyone! That little shelf was a great deal, too, at $70 and free shipping!

    Book Dragon ~ Thank you for the award!! :-D

    Vivienne ~ Um, let's see... I guess I have 8 of various shapes and sizes :-) Well, 9 if you want to count a small bedside table that does have two shelves. I haven't really started using that space for books though.

  11. Very pretty! I just bought booksheleves this week, but have to look for one more...

  12. Thanks for the review. I'll have to check them out and see if they have anything that I like. I'm looking at redecorating my bedroom and putting some bookshelves behind my bed that are similar to this look:

  13. Tracie ~ Love that bookshelf set-up!! :-)

  14. Floor levelers is a great idea for bookshelves...especially for apartment dwellers like me! Our floors are all uneven.

    thanks for the great review.

  15. I like the bookshelf! And I couldn't help but notice how the bed matches your blog!


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