Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Amicalola Falls (A Non-Bookish Post)

Hi everyone!

Sorry I missed my normal Teaser Tuesdays post yesterday, but I had a good excuse (or so I like to think). The hubby and I took a day trip to Amicalola Falls in North Georgia since we had the day off together. (It also happened to be our 3rd anniversary of our first date.) It was a perfect day for the hike--not too hot and nice and sunny, and we got to enjoy a picnic lunch. We even had a few wildlife encounters along the way, including three deer we managed to get some pictures of... Anyway, we had a great time but I was too exhausted to do much of anything after we got home, except for uploading some pictures of our day to Facebook. :-) But I hope to finish reading The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong today, and perhaps even get my review posted before the day is out, so be on the lookout for that!

Here's a sampling of pictures from our outing, as well as a link to my Facebook album with lots more pictures. Enjoy!


  1. WOW! That is beautiful. I need to go there, that's for sure. Although it'd be something of a trek. :0) Thanks for sharing these pics!

  2. So beautiful! I remember going into the mountains in North Carolina when I was a kid, and that was the same too. I'm convinced that the Southeast is one of the most beautiful places in the country, though I couldn't live there with all that humidity. :)

  3. That looks beautiful!!!

  4. Fantastic pictures and great landscape too. Now I want to go and do some hill and mountain climbing.

  5. You guys take such fun trips! Beautiful pics!!

  6. Such beautiful photos. It looks like a lovely place. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Great pics!!

    (Love your site btw!)


  8. What a beautiful place! Love the pics. :)

  9. Thanks everyone! We've recently discovered all the great places to visit in Georgia, so we're going to try to take little day trips often. So perhaps I'll have some more pictures to share in the future!

  10. wow! what an amazing place to be at! Thank You for sharing the pics!
    Good to know you had a great time!

  11. I've never heard of Amicalola Falls but it looks absolutely gorgeous! We just don't have the scenery here in Texas like y'all do. I'm reading a book about Savannah right now and really want to go! I've never been to GA before despite making the trip out east to Florida numerous times. :(

    Glad you enjoyed the day off--soo jealous!

  12. Gorgeous pics Melissa! Looks like a beautiful place to visit! It's nice you got to spend a day there with your hubby.

  13. Beautiful photos! What a super way to spend the day together!


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