Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday Thunks (07.09.09)

Welcome to the July 9th version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
Berleen, the number 141 and the color of your underwear.

1. Do you tend to have a guilty conscious?
No, nor do I tend to have a guilty conscience ;-)

2. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?

3. Peanut Butter - creamy or crunchy?
Creamy, and these days natural, too--Skippy Natural.

4. Get up off your butt. Take 5 steps. Which leg did you start out on?
My right leg.

5. What color is your favorite kitchen utensil?
I don't even know what my favorite kitchen utensil IS, much less what color it is. Never really thought about it...

6. Did you watch the Michael Jackson memorial/funeral?
Nope. 'Nuf said.

7. Do you know anyone who graduated from high school this year? Were you invited to their graduation party? Did you go?
No, No and No.

8. White with black stripes or black with white stripes?
Definitely black with white stripes.

9. If we were to call your 6th grade teacher, what would they say about you?
Lol, it took me a minute to even remember who my sixth grade teacher was. I think they'd have good things to say about me.

10. Can you draw a perfect circle?
With a compass.

11. What was your favorite scratch & sniff sticker scent?
Probably anything cinnamon.

12. What does your sibling do for a living?
Nothing. I don't have one :-)

13. How many light switches and electrical outlets are in the room that you are in right now?
Beats the heck out of me. Some are hidden by furniture... maybe 6 or 7?

14. Do you know sign language?
I know what it is, but no, I don't know how to use it.

15. Do you step on cracks in the sidewalk?
Yes, although old habits die hard and sometimes I jump them.

16. And the sheets on your bed look like....?
Blue--a medium blue.

17. What is something that everyone else has, but you don't?
A Tan? Ha ha.


  1. Great answers! Maybe try reading out in the sun? That will get you a tan ;)

  2. 1. Do you tend to have a guilty conscience?
    What's a conscience?

    5. What color is your favorite kitchen utensil?
    What's a kitchen utensil?

    9. If we were to call your 6th grade teacher, what would they say about you?
    "Oh, you mean that little kid who hid in the corner all day? He's still wandering around in public? That's disturbing."

    15. Do you step on cracks in the sidewalk?
    Yep. Sometimes I stomp.

    16. And the sheets on your bed look like....?
    I'll go do laundry and get back to you. :0)

    17. What is something that everyone else has, but you don't?
    Texting capabilities on their cell phone. I'm SO 2008.

  3. I have a real thing for the smell of cinnamon and it always reminds me of Disney world!

  4. At first glance I thought you said you didn't know what a kitchen utensil is. :D I said I just avoid the kitchen anyway.

    You started out on your right leg? Are you left handed? Is there a correlation between the two? Weird.

  5. Haha I don't have a tan either =)

    I hate that my neice is naturally darker than me. Of course her mom, my younger sister, is darker than me and her dad is too. Still, I don't care lol

  6. Great questions and answers!
    I also tagged you for the Whats on Your desk Thursday (well technically Wednesday!)
    Natalie :0)

  7. Smell of Cinnamon is awesome!

    Awesome questions and answers :)


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