Sunday, May 3, 2009

Boy Do I Feel Silly...

So if you've read my Sunday Salon post, you know that I was planning to start The Woman In White today, which is (was) one of my selections for the Classics Challenge. Well, I finally sat down to read this afternoon, and as I read the first few paragraphs I started thinking, "Gee, this sounds REALLY familiar..." Well, I scanned ahead and looked for other character names, etc. and I remembered that I READ THIS LAST YEAR. And I had completely forgotten that I had. I really feel terrible about that because I LOVED this book. It's not fresh enough in my mind (obviously... talk about an understatement) for me to review it, but seriously, if you like mysteries, this is an incredible story. I also particularly enjoy the time period in which it is set, so for me that was an added bonus. At over 600 pages it's definitely a chunkster, but such a worthwhile read! If I didn't have so many unread books lying around, I'd probably re-read it, but unfortunately I need to move on to some other books!!

Now I'm going to read a book I KNOW I haven't read... Willow by Julia Hoban.

Sigh... I feel like SUCH a goober. Have any of you ever done this? Simply forgotten that you've read a book, particularly one you really enjoyed? I mean, for some reason I really thought I'd never read this book!


  1. I actually BOUGHT the same book THREE times at library sales! "The Turning Angel" by Greg Iles. I didn't even like it that much the first time. Now I take lists with me to book sales!!!

  2. I once bought a book twice at two different yard sales. I feel your pain! :-)

  3. I used to do that ALL the time before I started my book blog. I still have the same problem as rhapsody and Marie when it comes to book sales. I'm constantly calling home and asking if I already own a book.

  4. It's never happened to me. Yet. But I definitely can understand why. With all these books we read!

  5. I've done this a couple of times and I have been known to request books that I have already read from the library too. At least it didn't take you long to figure it out.

  6. Totally something I would do!

  7. I do the same as Ti...request books that once I get, I realize that I already read it. Thanks for the recommendation on The Woman in White, though! :)

  8. Oh, that is too funny!! I've actually purchased the same book once or twice. My husband thinks I'm nuts anyway. You should see the look on his face when I come from a shelf with multiple copies of the same book!!

  9. I bought Garden Spells twice, not realising it was the same book I had read. In my defence they had changed the book cover on it.

  10. Thanks everyone! Now I feel much better about forgetting that I'd already read TWIW. :-D It reminded me that I have at least once or twice purchased a book I already own, too. Oh well!!

  11. There have been times I have gotten halfway through a book and have that strange Deja-Vu feeling.. Have I READ This before?! And odds are. I probably have.. yet my brain is not big enough to contain all the minute details so I keep reading. But that deja-vu feeling stays with me, and I wish it wouldn't!
    Luckily I haven't bought the same book more than once, that is probably aggravating. I do keep a spreadsheet on certain books otherwise that would be a different story!

  12. I feel like I've done that. I also loved Woman in White--it's so great!

  13. Definitely done this. Not recently, because I've started to blog. I joined goodreads to avoid this. But, it still happens.

  14. Oh no! I don't think this has ever happened to me, but I would be really disappointed too. I read WIW earlier this year and really loved it. Have you read The Moonstone? Not as good but still good.

  15. I love the new hair!! I tried to read Woman in White but couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll have to give it another go =)


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