Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Review: Wings

Wings cover Title: Wings
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
Pub Date: May 2009, Harper Teen
Hardcover, 290 pages

Synopsis (from Booklist)

Laurel was mesmerized, staring at the pale things with wide eyes. They were terrifyingly beautiful—too beautiful for words.

Laurel turned to the mirror again, her eyes on the hovering petals that floated beside her head. They looked almost like wings.

In this extraordinary tale of magic and intrigue, romance and danger, everything you thought you knew about faeries will be changed forever.

My Thoughts

I've seen a few mixed reviews on this book but decided to give it a shot, since I seem to be so into fairies/faeries these days. Personally, I really enjoyed this story! To give a bit more information than the dust jacket of the book, Laurel has certainly discovered something inexplicable about herself. Having been homeschooled her whole life, high school was hard enough without having to worry about the "wings" growing out of her back. She ultimately turns to the one friend she has gotten close to, David, and tells him the whole story. Miraculously, the very scientific and practial David believes her and does everything he can to help her figure out what's going on. Ultimately, it's another faerie, Tamani, who holds all of the answers, though...

Ah, do you sense a love triangle? As much as they can drive me crazy at times, they certainly add to the story. Aside from that, what I appreciate the most about Pike's book is its originality, but I also have to confess that I have a very limited background when it comes to faeries. I thought it was interesting to learn more about the folklore and mythology behind the faeries and faerie realm, but I won't give any of that away to those of you who have not read this book. In general, I thought Pike did a nice job with the characters, too. Yes, David may seem to good to be true, but you know what? This is YA fantasy, fiction, so why shouldn't things seem better than they might be if it were, say, real life?

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was a nice, easy read and well-paced. Pike's writing is good, but perhaps not great, though I see a lot of potential for this series. One thing that struck me, and normally I don't think much of 1st vs. 3rd person narrative, but I have to say that I think this story could have benefited from being told straight from Lauren's mouth. It only would have helped to make the details and story more vivid and provide more of an emotional attachment for the reader. It must be that I've been reading so much in 1st person lately that I realized that was part of what was keeping me from completely loving this book. But in my opinion, if you enjoy reading about faeries, you'll like Wings.

As a random aside, does it bug anyone else that there are so many ways to spell fairy/faerie/faery or fey/fae? :-)

My rating: 4 stars

Other reviews of Wings:

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  1. I love books about faeries!! I saw this one of Shelf Awareness a few weeks back. Glad you enjoyed it!!

  2. Yes, the fairy thing does throw me a bit! :) I haven't reviewed this yet, but did get Aprilynne to sign my book weekend before last & posted the picture of us with her book on my blog! She is so pretty! (Wow...that's a lot of exclamation marks...sorry.)

  3. I do get confused with the way faerie is spelt, but I like the one I use best. I want to read this now.

  4. I agree with the crazy spelling! I wish they would all just agree! I just ordered this from the local library. I'm really looking forward to it after your review!

  5. Great review, I'm looking foward to reading the book.

    And to be honest, I really dislike any word that can be written more than a different way. I think they all should just decide on a universal way to be spelled and go about living their lives lol

  6. There is an award waiting for you on my page.


  7. This does seem like a fun read -- thanks for the review.

  8. It looks like I may be sucked into another series. I really enjoy books about faeries, etc too. Nice review as usual Melissa and I still really love that cover!

  9. Great review this is definitely on my wish lost now.

  10. Terrific review! I just finished reading this and while I wasn't all that into this particular take on faerie mythos, I did think it was a fantastic story.

  11. I love a good love triangle! I have no idea which way this one will go!

  12. I had no idea the book received mixed reviews! When I have a book on the shelf, I tend to avoid reading opinions as much as possible until I read it. ;) I dearly LOVED this book and can't wait until book 2. I'm sure in the end, she end up in the forest. I'd just like to know how she goes about getting there.


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