Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Waiting On" Wednesday

WaitingOnWednesdayWaiting On Wednesday is hosted over at Breaking the Spine.

Well, I don't have a title or a book cover to show you for this week's pick, but I'm going with the sequel to Need by Carrie Jones, since I just read Need yesterday and really enjoyed it! According to her web site, it's due out in January 2010!!

Fortunately, the ending of Need wasn't too much of a cliffhanger--most everything of major import was resolved--so the wait shouldn't be too bad. :-)


  1. I don't have a book cover for my pick either:)
    Mine is up at The Burton Review.
    Hope you are having a great day!

  2. Maybe you can get your hands on an ARC!

  3. I just finished reading Need earlier this morning and I was so glad to hear that there is going to be a sequel. I really loved Need and I was also glad that it wasn't too much of a cliff hanger so it won't be so hard to wait for the sequel. Great choice!


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