Thursday, May 14, 2009

Review: Sophie's Dilemma

Sophie's Dilemma coverTitle: Sophie's Dilemma
Author: Lauraine Snelling
Genre: Fiction, Christian Fiction
Pub Date: July 2007, Bethany House Publishers
Trade Paperback, 334 pages


Certain she can't live without Hamre Bjorklund, the impetuous Sophie Knutson rejects her father's request to postpone her marriage until after graduation and convinces Hamre to elope. But far from her family, Sophie finds that life as a fisherman's bride in Ballard, Washington, is not all she had envisioned. Pregnant and lonely while Hamre is away at sea, she hires on at a fish cannery, only to be fired after fainting on the job.

When tragedy strikes, heartbroken Sophie can think only of returning home to Blessing. But will her family welcome her after the way she's hurt them by her defiant behavior?

Will she ever open her heart to love again?

My Thoughts

I happened upon this book on a bargain table at Books-A-Million. Given that I've been trying to keep a more open mind about Christian Fiction and have actually very much enjoyed a couple of titles lately, I thought I would pick this one up. Thankfully, though it took me awhile to warm up to the story initially, I ended up enjoying it.

Snelling's writing did not always have as much depth of detail and emotion that I like to find in a book, but she was able to tell a good story. I've always been partial to stories set in the West in the 1800's and early 1900's, so that initially drew my interest. Snelling was able to weave a story mixed with many blessings and occasional tragedies that not only brought Sophie back together with her family, but brought the town of Blessing closer together, as well. I felt like Hamre's death was rather anti-climactic when reading about it, but perhaps that's normal given that we're already given an idea that it will come when reading the back of the book... But I really enjoyed the romance that came Sophie's way later on, it was very sweet. And without giving anything away, let me just say that the scene where she is about to give birth was quite amusing and memorable. I think I might die of mortification if I had to be transported to the doctor the way Sophie was.

Another plus for me was that I did not feel like I was being preached to, like I do with so many other Christian Fiction books. The religion and prayers to God were there, but I didn't feel like I was being told that I had to believe a certain way. That was something I appreciated for a change. This is the second book in the Daughters of Blessing Series, so I think I might have to hunt down the first to see what I missed.

My rating: 4 stars

Other reviews of Sophie's Dilemma:

Becky's Christian Reviews

If you have read this book and would like to see a link to your review here, please leave a comment below. Thanks!


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