Friday, May 8, 2009

Cindy Pon's Incredible Contest!

Silver Phoenix cover

In celebration of the release of Silver Phoenix, Cindy Pon is holding an amazing contest on her site. I haven't read this book, yet, but the early reviews I've read are certainly intriguing!! What can you win, you ask? An original framed work by Cindy Pon, or a $100 bookstore gift card, and a signed copy of Silver Phoenix! Pretty sweet, I'd say!

As a bonus, here's a little teaser... The book trailer!


  1. OOOOOH! I've had this book on hold FOREVER! I'm so excited!
    Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. Melissa - I was just looking at your wedding photo you linked me up to. It is beautiful. Do you know I have one very similar - I will have to try and scan it in to show you. We have exactly the same pose.


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