Saturday, March 28, 2009

Weekly Geeks 2009-12: Linking Reviews

This week's Weekly Geeks task revisits the idea of linking our book reviews to each other, something that Dewey, whom I never had the good fortune to "know" in the book-blogging community, recommended. Here are the instructions:

1. Write a post encouraging readers to look through your archives (if you have your reviews in a particular place on your blog, point them there), and find the books that they have also written reviews. Tell them to leave a link to their review on your review post. For example, I've written a review for Gods Behaving Badly and Jane Doe leaves a link to her review of Gods Behaving Badly in the comments section of my review.
2. Edit your reviews to include those links in the body of the review post.
3. Visit other Weekly Geeks and go through their reviews. Leave links for them.
4. Leave a note somewhere on your blog to let people know this is your new policy.
5. Write a post later this week letting us know how your project is going!

This is actually something that I've been trying to do for awhile, and I did go back and edit former reviews to include other bloggers' reviews that I was able to find from my subscriptions. Now of course, there's no way I've managed to subscribe to all the amazing book blogs out there, so I'm sure there are many of you reading this who might have a review of one of the books I've reviewed, but I don't have your review linked... 

So please, use the "Reviews" label in my label cloud to visit my reviews and add links to yours in the Comments section. I'm looking forward to getting those lists updated!


  1. This Search Engine is great for finding reviews from blogs you don't subscribe to!

    I'm really glad this theme is being revived. I love finding other reviews to link to. And when I'm done reading a book, I really enjoy going back and seeing what other people said about it.

  2. I see you've starting reading Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire series, aren't they fabulous? I've included links to your reviews on mine, but here's a link to my reviews.

  3. Hello Melissa. I know you read Agatha Christie novels so we have them in common. I have added your blog to my Crime Fiction search. My post for Weekly Geeks explains what that is all about.

  4. Hi Melissa,

    I'm part of kerrie's agatha christie challenge too, so I know we'll have that in common. Off to check your archives. My post is up now.

  5. Hey Melissa. Your site is gorgeous, too! You should check out my Writing Challenge -

    As for the form I used for Sharing a Review, I do it at LOVE the site, very easy to use. Let me know if you have any questions!

  6. Hello, just dropped in from Weekly Geeks. I read literary fiction and review only a few of those I've read so I didn't find any reviews we have in commmon among your titles. I have read a few that you've reviewed: Appointment With Death and Sad Cypress for instance. And I read your review of The Love We Share Without Knowing by Christopher Barzak and have now put it on my tbr list. Thank you. I'll visit your blog again to check out more of your reviews. And you have the loveliest header I have ever seen. Take care.

  7. That is a cool idea, hmmm maybe I'll do it too.

  8. Hi Melissa. I have found a few reviews that we share:

    Club Dead, Dead Until Dark , Living Dead in Dallas all by Charlaine Harris.

  9. Hi Melissa,

    It looks like you've got a fun reading list! Again, I don't have any in common with you-I can't believe how all of us readers can be reading so much and yet have reading lists that don't overlap at all. So many books...

  10. Wow, you have such a gorgeous blog! We share one review in common - The Shack - I've added your link to mine. We have such opposite opinions on this book so I really enjoyed reading your review :)


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