Friday, April 17, 2009


Well guys and gals, once again I'm overwhelmed with your kindness and generosity in passing along some awards to me. Now I'd like to return the favor and send some love out to some of my favorite blogs... First up:

Lovely Blog AwardOne Lovely Blog Award

Kerrie over at Mysteries in Paradise gave me the One Lovely Blog Award last week. Thank you so much! Here's more info about what this award means...

This award which is given to new blogs and blogging friends.

The rules to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Well, I don't know that I'll be awarding "new" blogs here, but I will pass this on to 15 fabulous, lovely blogs:

Please go check out these wonderful blogs and the people behind them!

The next award is the newest that I've seen on the blogging scene and I think it's one of the best... The "You Don't Say" Super Comments Award... I received this from J. Kaye at J. Kaye's Book Blog, as well as Kristina at Kristina's Favorites. Thank you both!

You Don't Say awardIt is easy for me to hand out this award. Thanks to Nymeth, I now have a top commentators widget in my left sidebar, so here are the current top 10 commentators...
  1. Mishel (31)
  2. Dar (30)
  3. Ti (22)
  4. Nymeth (20)
  5. J. Kaye (13)
  6. Beth F (11)
  7. lilly (11)
  8. Literary Feline (10)
  9. Jo (9)
  10. Scrap girl (8)
Thanks so much for taking time to stop by my blog and share your thoughts with me and my readers!!!


  1. Thank you!

    Kayla (Midnight Twilight)

  2. Thank you so much! Your blog is amazing!

  3. Yay!!! Thanks for passing on the love. I thoroughly enjoy your blog so the comments come naturally :)

  4. Thank you's good to a get a little love now and then!! ;-)

  5. How sweet are you! I think you have a very lovely blog also even though I have just discovered you recently, I think I will enjoy all my visits over here. :)
    *smiles & thanks again*

  6. Awh.. .thank you.. I am so glad I found your blog... I am behind in the award department... I mean in the blogging about and redistributing them....

  7. Ooh, two awards! Aren't you lucky? :P

    Anyway, I am going to have to look at some of those blogs when I have the time. In the meantime I have a post of my own to finish writing!

  8. Congrats on your awards! And thanks so much for passing one along to me. I guess it pays to be chatty!! I truly appreciate it. Thanks.

  9. Thank you, Melissa! And congratulations on getting the awards yourself. You deserve them :)

  10. Congratulations Melissa! You got two great awards and you should wear it proudly because you deserve them.
    And thank you for giving me the award as well. I think it's one of the cutest around.

  11. you DO have a very lovely blog - and I am glad that it was recognized with an award.


  12. Congrats on your awards, Melissa, and thank you so much! That's just awesome! Cheers!

  13. Thanks so much!I'll check out those other blogs too! You deserve all your awards & more :)

  14. LOL! I can't believe I made the top viewers who comment. I haven't been nearly as social as I'd like.

    Thank you for passing on the love! :)

  15. Thanks Melissa, you know I love coming to visit with you 8)

  16. Thanks so much, Melissa! You made my day. :-)

  17. I am certainly glad I came by your blog! It surely IS a LOVELY blog! No wonder you got that award! I am now a follower so shall be back! Come visit me when you get a chance!

  18. Thanks Melissa! You deserve every award you get. YOu have a wonderful blog!

  19. Thank you, everyone, for the very kind words--I'm truly touched. It makes me happy to know so many of you love my blog. I love working on it and visiting all of yours as well :-)

    Virtual hugs to you all!

  20. Congrats on the awards, Melissa!
    They're all well-deserved! :)


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