Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Sunday Salon (04.19.09) Short & Sweet

SundaySalonHappy Sunday, Saloners! This will be a quick post, as I think I am still recovering from cheering through 15 hours of the 24-Hour Read-A-Thon yesterday and this morning! :-) It was such an awesome experience and I was so thrilled to add 30 new blogs to my Reader!! What a great way to bring the community together for a day of doing something we all love... TOGETHER! I just realized that I hadn't written a post all day--I guess after commenting and tweeting I was just typed-out for most of the day!

This week was slow for me, in my opinion. I only read and reviewed 2 books.... Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr and Deadly Exchange by Geoffrey M. Gluckman. I enjoyed both, which made for an easy week in reading, just wish I'd had more time to do it!

I shared more awards with fellow bloggers, which always makes me happy. As much as I am honored and touched to receive awards, I love handing them out even more. There are so many wonderful blogs out there I want to be able to award each and every one of them :-)

This week I also started a series of posts I entitled Blogger Tips & Tricks, with various subjects for each post, including layouts and functional headers and grab buttons. I intended to post another one this weekend but the Read-A-Thon took over my life yesterday and I just didn't have time today. I think my next post will focus on widgets that are available to Blogger. After that, I will probably post links to various sites that I've found helpful as I've learned how to make the most out of Blogger. I hope those of you using Blogger are finding these helpful, and some tips will even come in handy on other applications, too!

So that's really it for my week in review. I didn't feel like I could go an entire day without posting an entry--I'm not ready to end my streak of posting every day since starting this blog! Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead--happy reading and blogging to all!!


  1. I'm glad everyone had a great time cheering and reading! :)

    I received Wicked Lovely last Friday and I can't wait to dive into it!

  2. I got a chance to cheer on some of the read-a-thon participants myself. Figured if I was up in the wee hours, might as well share the love!!

    I'm glad you enjoyed Wicked Lovely too!! I just finished it last week myself.

  3. I would have loved to have been part of the readathon. Never mind - perhaps I can take part next time. I am looking forward to reading Wicked Lovely as I have just bought it.

  4. Wasn't the read-a-thon great? Next time I'll have to be sure to get onto twitter so I don't miss any of the action! Sounds like overall you had a pretty good week!


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